Queerly Beloved

Channeling 5th Dimensional Energy with Joshua / Zintis Muiznieks

Wil Fisher Season 2 Episode 12

Zintis Muiznieks is a Channeler for Orykl.com who has been channeling the Joshua energy for over 10 years. He’s a gay man with a lengthy and varied spiritual journey who, in addition to channeling, serves as an energy healer, Reiki master, and body worker. Zintis lives in the Catskill Mountains with his family where they grow much of their own food

In this interview Zintis tells us what is channeling and how we can receive value from working with channelers. He shares his experience going from receiving from channelers for many years to unlocking his own gifts. He also shares how all people can connect with their abilities to channel. We chat about distinguishing between hearing guidance or your own thoughts. I share a story about a recent time where I chose not to listen to inner guidance.

We then start a live channeling session with the energy called Joshua, a 5th dimensional energy. Joshua shares about the role the queer community has in the movement of the awakening of human consciousness. They share thoughts on creativity and manifesting and some tips on doing it effectively. I ask some personal questions to Joshua, and then ask some for the collective. We get to hear some predictions for 2024- like what to look out for and how to prepare for any upcoming unrest. 

We close out by hearing about Orykl.com, the platform that connects people with channelers that brought Zintis and I together. 

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Wil Fisher  0:00  
Queerly beloveds, We are gathered here today for some juicy conversations about all things spiritually queer and clearly spiritual. I'm Sylvia will gather rainbow, spiritual life coach retreat hosts with the most and drag queens and I'll be chatting with the most amazing folks are simply sharing some wisdom on my own. If you like what I'm serving, please remember to subscribe so we can keep hanging out. Alright, let's get super wound together in this spiritually queer a cosmic container and blast off.

Hello Beloved's. I'm excited to share this newest episode of clearly beloved where it interviews into usonyx a channeler for oracle.com, who has been channeling the Joshua energy for over 10 years. He's a gay man with a lengthy and varied spiritual journey, who in addition to his channeling, he serves as an energy healer, a Reiki Master and a body worker since his lives in the Catskills mountains with his family where they grow most of their own food. And in this interviews into his tells us what channeling is, and how we can receive great value from working with channelers. He shares his experience going from receiving from channelers for many years to unlocking his own gifts as a channeler. He also shares how all people can connect with their abilities to channel and gives us some tips on how to do that. We then chat about distinguishing between hearing guidance, or our own thoughts. And then I share his story about a recent time where I chose not to listen to my inner guidance and how that played out. We then start a live channeling session with the energy called Joshua, which is a fifth dimensional energy and zint is brings Joshua in, we get to experience him doing that. And then I start asking Joshua some questions. So Joshua shares some information for the queer community about our role in the awakening of human consciousness. Joshua shares their thoughts on creativity and manifesting, and even offer some tips on doing that effectively. I get to ask some personal questions. And then I asked some questions for the collective, and Joshua shares their predictions for 2024, what to look out for and how to prepare for any upcoming unrest. We then close out this session with Zinta is telling us about oracle.com the platform that connects people with channelers that brought scientists and I together all these topics and many more in this very interesting episode where we get to hear not just from scientists, but from the energy of Joshua and joy. Right welcomes into so happy to have you here on clearly beloved, how are you my dear?

Zintis  2:41  
Oh, I am fabulous. Thank you.

Wil Fisher  2:43  
Great. And you are weathering the storm out in the Catskills. And I'm glad that you are inside warm and able to have this conversation.

Zintis  2:53  
Oh, yeah, no, the snow is just part of the whole, the whole seasonal thing that happens. It's such a wonderful change, and then a pace and quiet, everything slows down. And then once again, you know, things pick up later on. So it's a nice, it's a nice thing. Yeah,

Wil Fisher  3:10  
absolutely. You know, I, as you know, in living in San Diego, and we don't have very distinct seasons. And so it was so nice over new years to get to go back east and experienced that cold and that quiet, you know, that quiet stillness that is so present during the wintertime on the East Coast, you know, is up upstate, wandering the woods. Back at the retreat center, I used to run Easton mountain. And it reminded me of how much I love the seasons. And it's not that we don't have any seasons here, but they're just much more subtle. So I appreciate you being there. In the thick of the winter season on the East Coast,

Zintis  3:54  
well, you know, is the quiet because that quiet just allows you know, everything to slow down, including the mind and just kind of a time of contemplation. So it really is lovely.

Wil Fisher  4:05  
Yeah, beautiful. So I would love to ask you my introductory question, and that is who are you in this moment, in this moment of time on this Tuesday. But tell me by describing the perfect drag avatar that embodies that?

Zintis  4:24  
Well, I would say right now, at this moment, the perfect drag ever trois avatar, it's, it has Raven feathers, it has bird feathers, because this is a time of crows and ravens and owls. And it is night here and I just see myself in that particular flowing robe of feathers and really flying and also if I'm allowed to fly and soar above and look down. That's what I'm doing.

Wil Fisher  4:51  
Beautiful. Yes, well, full allowance for my my energy. It's beautiful. Thank you for sharing that, and I'll share my drag avatar this afternoon I'm Huh, I'm in this flow of health, I'm really prioritizing my health in this beginning of 2024. And, you know, I've taken up a vegan diet, and I'm celebrating it and just feeling really grateful to have the resources and the information and the opportunity to prioritize health. And so the dragon avatar that embodies that, that focus of my energy right now, I'm going to say is this, it's this like warrior princess. But because you introduced the bird, I'm like seeing this, this strong bird as well. So it's like a winged warrior. A white winged warrior, is what I what I'm seeing as my drag avatar, to embody that, that that focus on unhealth and just feeling the vitality of that feeling like I can spread these wings and I can flex these muscles and I can move through my space and move through my life with this vibrant, powerful, healthy energy. It's where I am today.

Zintis  6:27  
Well, congratulations on the vegan diet. I am then a vegan for many many years and it's it's really it's wonderful it on so many levels, not just health for your body, but health for the planet and so many other aspects. I think it's a very, for me, it feels like a very spiritual part of my spiritual path.

Wil Fisher  6:49  
Oh, well, what a beautiful synchronicity. I didn't know that about you. And, and I, you know, it's only been a week and a half or so. So I can't claim that I'm suddenly a vegan, but I am focused on a plant based diet and seeking more of a vegan lifestyle. And in so doing, I've been researching. So I've been watching a couple of documentaries. There's one on Netflix right now called the Twin experiment, which really clearly shows it takes these two twins and they one has a vegan diet one is an omnivore and shows the impact. And then this other documentary, called the greatest something and it's about this UFC athlete who is experimenting with vegan diet and I'm just learning both like you said, the impact on the climate of the meat industry and how horrific that is and how horrific it is to see where meat often comes from. And then not always there is more ethically sourced, healthy places and ways to get me but most of the meat in America is the opposite of that. And then also to see the health benefits of a plant based diet so yeah, that's inspiring. So how long did you say you've been vegan for many years? Well, I

Zintis  8:03  
actually had been be true vegan for about 10 years my husband really but he's been a vegan for like 40 years and so he said you're already a vegetarian for 30 years so just dropped the milk and dropped the you know we can be on the same page nice he just didn't he didn't like it when I when I cooked eggs in the house he said it made him sick so you know so anyway, so yeah, it's it really and actually, you know, in terms of health like you know, the cholesterol numbers didn't go down a little bit like not that they were terrible but so there is an impact there really truly is within probably six months and

Wil Fisher  8:42  
what is your perspective on it from a spiritual lens?

Zintis  8:45  
Well from the spiritual lens it really mostly has to do with animals and really being loving and kind to all beings in which case slaughtering someone and eating them just for me doesn't fit into that particular model at all. So that and also just for the earth in terms of growing plants and cultivating that type of food that really brings us closer to the connection to our Mother Earth.

Wil Fisher  9:16  
Beautiful Yeah, thank you thank you for sharing all that so I am excited to day to get to interface with Joshua the entity that your channel is that correct to dis well

Zintis  9:29  
actually, let's let's call it an energy energy. Because Joshua is a fifth dimensional being so there when I think of entity I think of a body and there really is no body they it's simply energy. I mean everything is energy, including bodies in a theory, kind of low vibration, but so I usually refer to Joshua as energy, fifth dimensional energy. Okay,

Wil Fisher  9:56  
wonderful. Yeah, thanks for that clarification and did, I think it might be helpful to start with telling the listeners what is meant when we talked about channeling. And just to give folks a little bit of a context, the way that his interest and I were connected is through a platform that helps connect people with channelers called oracle.com. And so they had reached out to me to share about that platform. And then I requested to see if there was a connection to any gay or queer folks who are part of their platform. And then lo and behold, I got connected with this brilliant and wonderful man. So I'd love for you to share with the listeners what is what is meant just in its simplicity, when we talk about channeling or a channel or

Zintis  10:48  
well basically there there are various forms of channeling and but the the one that was mostly commonly thought of I would say is when someone like myself goes into a trance or a partial trance and then turns their body or their voice box certainly over to another energy and other entity who then starts to speak through the channeler. And then that would be the very basic premise but we all channel we channel through our hands, we channel healing energy, artists frequently channel creative energy into their artwork, whether it be music or, or visual composition. So channeling happens far more, I think, than most people realize. But back to the theme. And then what Oracle is promoting is that yes, we are all channelers who go into some mode of trance and then connect with energy, in some cases, entities who then communicate through us.

Wil Fisher  11:49  
Hmm, beautiful. And what do you think is the value of making use of that you mentioned that you believe that it's happening in a much more widespread way than most people are aware of and acknowledging and and there is this possibility of bringing more awareness and acknowledgement to this phenomenon, this this thing that's happening, what is the value of recognizing channeling and or making use of it in the way that you know, we get to play with today? Oh, absolutely.

Zintis  12:23  
The I I've been a Chandler I'm gonna back up just slightly. I'm gonna I've been a Chandler for about 14 years now. But I've been interested in channeling for really, truly most of my life the last 50 years or more. And then also I had I worked with a channeler for about 20 years prior to learning to do it myself. And really, the benefit that I see for myself in the past and for my clients is that through that type of communication, they have a much they being the entities or the energies, they have a much broader viewpoint of who we are as humans, you know, as humans, we're pretty isolated, and we're very limited in our information. So, for instance, Joshua is able to talk about past lives or other lives and so may have had and talk about life or sole purpose within the lifetime that the human is experiencing and, and frequently the questions revolve around challenges and whatever form whether they'd be healthy relationship or just growth is and so that there's like a broad, like they're looking through from a from a much larger lens and what we see, when we look at our surroundings, we're very limited in what we're able to perceive. The other the other thing is that channeling also can connect a person with their angels with their guides, so that they have a better ability themselves to really to do a form of channeling for themselves. And in fact, at Oracle, we're also we're promoting that we will be will start up classes shortly on how to do that. Cool. So, you know, it's just, it's, we're, we as a, you know, I as an individual Channeler and, and through my work and then through the group, we're really trying to bring awareness so that people can utilize this tool and it's not difficult. It's basically you sit and listen, but the insights can be really life changing.

Wil Fisher  14:29  
Beautiful. And so you said that you had been interested in channeling for a lot of your life and also working with a channeler and it wasn't until 414 years ago. Did you say that you started to do it right. So what happened? What was the switch? I'd love to hear any part of that story. Well,

Zintis  14:49  
actually, I Well, the woman I worked with that did sessions for me her name is pepper Lewis and she channeled Gaia Mother Earth is she'd no longer actually offered sessions for quite a few years. But I was I just got drawn to her, I became interested in her start following her. And you know, this was before this was before the internet. So there's a publication called the Sedona Journal of emergence, and that it's a channeling publication, that's all they publish. And so I got, I got connected to that started reading her work. And then the internet sort of came to life. And I was able to, like, find her that way. And really, I would have, I would have actually gotten trained earlier, but the, when she offered trainings, I was fortunate to work in Mexico during the winters at a spa. So when she was offering trainings in the New York area, I was always in Mexico. So then it took it took a kind of a fortuitous situation where I was available when she was offering a training. So that's why I waited that long. Amazing.

Wil Fisher  15:57  
So it was through like an in person training that you were able to really turn your your, I don't know, your skills, your cap capacity on to do this kind of work.

Zintis  16:09  
Yeah, it was in person, it was a fascinating experience. So that's a whole other story. But I would add will. As a Reiki Master I, I've done 1000s and 1000s of Reiki sessions, and I get a lot of information. And for many years prior to being trained as a channeler. At the end of the session, I would just simply start speaking and telling the person, you know, things that I really had no idea I was going to say and I'm fairly certain now though, it was a form of channeling, I don't know where that was coming from it was probably connecting to their guide or something of that nature. And it was over the years of these, this information was validated by them. Yeah, I'd say something totally crazy, you know, off the wall, and they say, Oh, my God, how did you know that? And I'm like, Well, I don't know how I knew that. But it came out here. So. And I really and then back to what I said before, I think as humans, I think we really have a lot more of that going on than we're aware of.

Wil Fisher  17:11  
And what are some perhaps simple things that people can do to tap More into what's already naturally happening in the world of channeling,

Zintis  17:22  
right? Well I really the the thing to do is to slow down and listen. And because in our society, particularly those folks who are living in cities and and have stressful jobs and are, you know, perhaps have other obligations in their life, they don't take the time frequently just to just sit and be quiet with themselves. And it's during those moments, that that's when that's when it's easier to kind of get the information or hear the voice or however it comes through, it's going to come through differently for for everyone. I mean, I can add just to promote myself just slightly I've written a book. And it's called dawning light. And it is a little subtitle is Joshua's guide to understanding and performing the art of channeling. So, you know, it's just so there, there are exercises in there, but most of them really involve just finding a way to open yourself and it's a very natural process that and then, you know, some people are more successful than others, but many of us doubts the information that we get, because sometimes it feels too easy, you know, someone's telling us well don't do this, do this and then help it's we follow the advice or we don't

Wil Fisher  18:45  
yeah, for me, what I find challenging sometimes is the the mind games that I play around discerning whether or not it's guidance, or it's just a thought that I had any thoughts on that? Well,

Zintis  19:02  
I'll give you a simple exercise that actually is in the book too is you we know our own thought patterns. So basically our thoughts go in circles and they sound very familiar so if you step back and you just observe how your everyday kind of thoughts are happening, you know the flavor of your own thoughts and concern that like the sound of our own voice or sound of the voice of someone we you know love and are very familiar with. So when when usually when guidance come in, comes in, it sounds a little bit more different. It'll have a different even vocabulary to it or it'll have a way that it you can discern fairly easily but absolutely what you're describing is what most people struggle with. They Okay, am I making this up? Is this me in Oh, and until a person gets validation in whatever form I mean, it's really easy if you hear this voice scream meaning that you stopped the car. And then two seconds later, there's something in front of the car. But you know, that was guidance, but generally, it's not quite that dramatic, you know? So then we have to find ways to sort of say, okay, like, Was that true? Was that not true? You know, and then then the other thing is, you know, many of us have strong intuition, intuitive skills to begin with. So then that also is a form of guidance, I would say it's a, it's a guidance, generally from our own Higher Consciousness sometimes. So you know, it's the separation of the mind and the ego from our soul and our higher consciousness for there's various levels that we are as humans. So then it's finding that balance also.

Wil Fisher  20:47  
Yeah, thanks for sharing that. It's funny. I'll just share a quick story, the day that we were originally scheduled to do this interview, remember, I think it was a day or two, it was just the day before that. I said, Hey, I'm in New York City. I really want to see a matinee tomorrow. Would you mind, you know, being flexible and doing this a little later. And you were so gracious and flexible and understanding. And so we put this out. So then that morning, I woke up and this, this thought, or this guidance came that said, You're meant to work on your podcast this afternoon? And I said, Well, no, I already switched my schedule with Zinta is no, that's not what's happening. I'm gonna get a go to TKTS. I'm going to find my ticket. And I'm going to go see a show. I'm so excited to do that. Because I was planning to see a show that night, I wanted to see two in one day, but the voice kept happening. And then I said, Well, I'm, I'm just going to stick with my plan, knowing that it might not work out now that I've heard that voice more than once, it's very possible that this isn't going to work out. And if it doesn't, perhaps it'll just be some more validation. So I went through the process I got on the subway, I got down to TKTS, I could see that the show that I wanted to see was available, and maybe another one. And I finally got to the window. There was enough time, I was like, see this is going to work out. It wasn't guidance, it was just a random thought. And then sure enough that I got to the ticket window, and they said, Nope, that one sold out. That one sold out. And I was like, Oh, all right. Now I'm going home. And I think I reached out to you and you were already booked. But then I ended up spending the time uploading a new episode, which I hadn't done in a while. And so I actually did what I was guided to do. And I got to receive that validation from that experience where it was like, clearly not in my greatest and highest good to be doing that that afternoon.

Zintis  22:41  
Well, so there you go. So now the next time you hear that voice saying work on your podcast, yeah, you better you better pay attention.

Wil Fisher  22:50  
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. It was a little bit of wasted time. But all in service of the lesson. Right. So it was a interesting, interesting opportunity. And I love that he also was related to our topic right now. I think that's an interesting synchronicity to

Zintis  23:11  
what I don't know, for whatever reason I booked for that time. It came in suddenly that day, I actually had two emergency sessions that day that came in one that morning, that one of the clients that I just I can't wait, I have to speak with Joshua now. And so I said, All right, well, you know, I've got this opening now. So listen, you went and so it worked out not only for you, but for me and for other people as well. So it's always a it's not just about us as No, you know, their impacts a big circles all around.

Wil Fisher  23:48  
Yes. I love that divine orchestration of it all. Yeah, that's beautiful. And the other thing I just want to reflect on is this piece around listening and recognizing that for me, it's sometimes hard to give myself that stillness and that quiet space. And it's simply because I have these habits of filling the space filling the void. You know, I noticed that even when I'm driving, I always want to have a podcast on or an audible or something to listen to. And I just am constantly filling the silence with with something to pull my energy and my focus. And so it is such a habit that I'm learning to break. I'm starting to even just that simple task of driving without the radio playing or podcast playing. I'm giving myself more spaciousness, and intentionally finding more opportunities to be in that silence. And yeah, it's funny that we started this conversation today talking about the stillness and quiet that is available during the is hibernating months. So it does feel like this is a ripe opportunity for folks to go into more spaciousness more quiet space, and potentially receive more in these

Zintis  25:14  
ways, absolutely. You know, I just want to share with 12 years ago, I did a three month cross country trip, a road trip, with my massage table in the back, so I could earn money along the way. And I had, I had a whole stack of CDs and different lectures and classes, and I was going to learn Spanish, like during this time, and, and you know, I never once turned on the radio or, or put in any of that. And it was really, it was a spiritual awakening those three months because I was so with nature. I mean, I would also stop and hike and just walk like, whenever I had the urge to do that. Then it was winter, it was January through March. So for a lot of it, I was in also in cold, but it was it was fabulous. So yes, I completely encourage turning off the radio and just allowing whatever comes through to the chance to happen.

Wil Fisher  26:11  
Beautiful. Thank you for that. So yeah, it feels like a good time, perhaps to step into some time with Joshua, if that feels good to you. Oh, that

Zintis  26:21  
feels right. It always feels great for me. So I'm happy to do that the voice will change. And you'll know and Joshua is present. Wonderful. All right, I start by saying just a little like a little prayer of sorts to guide myself into the space. Okay, perfect. So I offer myself and opened myself to all the beautiful energies of our Mother Earth, the animals, the plants, the minerals, three dimensional beings and other dimensional beings. I also opened myself to beings of light from outside of the Earth Angels, guides, and various intelligent beings who are guiding us and helping us humanity and individually. And most of all, I open myself to Joshua inviting him to join us now to offer some wisdom and guidance for this person will and also for this group. And for all of this we give thanks. And so it is, it is. Greetings, friend, we join in conversation, to discuss whatever might be on your mind. But Joshua will just begin a little bit as we like to by saying something about you and the people that you are representing the LGBTQ plus group, and we may be missing some initials, we apologize for that. But you see, from our perspective, you are all beautiful human beings, you are all beings of light, there is no distinction. And one thing we would say to you is that as humans upon your world, you are absolutely fortunate in the ability that you have to explore sexuality and sexual unions of various sorts. And this is not so common. There are other planets with sentient beings, there are millions of such planets, you are not aware of them, but in generally, the type of expression that you are able to manifest in your own relationships of various sorts, that is unique. And this is something to be treasured. And we would offer you that simply to know that you are able to really, truly be enjoying what you are doing and who you are, and there is no judgment. There is some little quote that we would like to offer. This was not from Joshua, this was from another channeled entity that the channeler had opportunity to witness or to hear. But the quote was simply this Can you imagine that there is a wrong way to love and so many right ways to hate. And that is how much of your planet is and this must be turned around. There is the right way to love and all love is right. That is our introduction for you today.

Wil Fisher  29:11  
Thank you so much, Joshua. It's a honor and pleasure to be in your presence. So I love that you started with this message specifically around the LGBTQ experience. And yeah, what a beautiful thing to acknowledge that we get to celebrate the ways that we connect sexually. Any other thoughts on the purpose of the queer community in the greater scope of human consciousness? So what what the queer folks on this planet are meant to do? Especially in this time of the human consciousness coming into more way canoeing, absolutely

Zintis  30:01  
you see it as a gift, you are actually bringing a gift to humanity, because you are not as bound by various social norms and various boxes and various roadblocks. Many of you are the ones who are able to embrace and truly who you are. And we urge and encourage every single one of you to do that is that you are able to break free and some more than others. And we are not saying that everyone should walk around and wild outfits or anything of that nature, but simply by allowing yourself to be who you are, you are sending a message to others who are struggling, and not only others who are of a sexual orientation that may be different from the norm, but others who in some way feel that they are different. Some others who wish to follow their life path but are afraid to you see, that is a big, big issue that your people can bring to humanity is the expansion and the growth and the creativity. And so many folks are creative, they are able to express themselves in ways that others may belittle or say is is inconsiderate in or in some way unbecoming. But at the same time, when you are able to experience that freedom, and others can see that and share in it, that is much of the gift that you are bringing, another aspect of the gift that you are bringing is that you also are able to expand upon who you are as human beings. So you are not again limited by various social norms. If you are a man, you are this a woman you are that no, in fact, you can be many things in many ways. And that also is beautiful for yourselves. But again, it is a beautiful lesson, particularly when they are younger people who are observing this and who grow up knowing yes, they can be whatever it is that they truly are. And so that is much of the gift that you bring to humanity. Yes,

Wil Fisher  32:11  
thank you. Thank you for acknowledging that. One of the things I heard you mentioned is this piece around creativity. And I have been thinking lately about creativity as not just something that only few are bestowed with, but that we all have as our birthright, and that not only can we use our creativity to connect with the arts, but we can use it to design lives that we desire. And I'm curious to hear some of your thoughts on creativity.

Zintis  32:46  
Absolutely. You see the creative nature energy, that force is absolutely present in every human being because it must be without the creative force. On some level, it is part of your lifeforce, you simply would not be able to be you would not be able to live any sort of a structured life if you did not have creativity. But there is more to that far more to that because also, you must understand that the creative energy and sexual energy are basically the same. And so also when you allow the two of them to intermingle, not to necessarily have wild sex acts, but at the same time understanding that sexual expression is creativity, and opposite is true as well. So therefore, what you're asking is true because every human being from the time they are born, but more from the time that they have some recognition of who they are perhaps the age of three or four, they are keenly aware of who they truly are and what they would like to be and granted a child may change their mind numerous times in terms of profession or something of that nature. But deep down inside, they know that they are gay or straight, they know that they are an artist or not. And there are various aspects. The other thing is creativity does not need to be the creation of some masterpiece artistic masterpiece, not at all you see in every lifetime in every moment of every lifetime, you are creating something because you are thinking of doing something and then it has to manifest. So also remember that manifestation is a form of creation and creativity. So when you desire something in your life, be it something of a material nature, something of a spiritual, emotional, mental nature does not matter. If you set your self to creating it or manifesting it. You are absolutely employing the creative energy in very interesting ways and infinite numbers of ways. You see creativity is not limited to this or that there are infinite numbers of expressions of creativity available to human beings. Beautiful.

Wil Fisher  35:09  
Thank you. And you just mentioned this word manifesting, which is a real buzz word, you know, in the spiritual spaces. And I'm just curious if you have any thoughts or even perhaps, tips on how people can more effectively manifest the things that they desire into their lives.

Zintis  35:28  
When do you see manifesting is the realization of energy into something that is more tangible, everything exists already in energetic form, but it is not going to be anywhere near you if it is not meant for you. And so what we would say to you is that manifesting, first off is to decide or to try to ascertain whether what you are wishing to manifest is actually for your greater good or for your soul's purpose, or is it just some thing that you have this idea that you might like to have, because that will make a difference you see, the more it is aligned with your life purpose in whatever way not necessarily in a terribly grand way, it might be your life's purpose for the moment or that day, but nevertheless, when it is aligned in that way, then there is far more energy behind. So, you already know, if you are having a frivolous thought of manifesting a pile of gold, generally, that will not happen. However, if you have this idea that you need to or wish to manifest something of a nutritional substance for yourself, whether it is physical food, or whether it is some something that is beneficial in some other way, emotionally, perhaps, then that is something that is likely to be more aligned with your purpose. And then by focusing on it, not by begging for it, or even praying for it, but more by simply allowing the universe to understand why this is something that is of a necessity for you, or something that will be useful, and generally manifesting for others is going to be more beneficial than manifesting for yourself, you may benefit from it as well. But by asking me, me, me, you are likely to limit it. But if you are saying this is for us, this is for us as a group, this is for us to utilize and to grow with and to expand upon, then also that type of manifestation is easier. And then speaking of a group than if you are able to manifest as a group, so more than one person focusing energy on a specific need or necessity, that also will likely be far more beneficial.

Wil Fisher  37:52  
Beautiful. So I'll come back to some of these more broad messages for the greater greater consciousness. But I would like to play in some curiosities around my, my timeline. And so you mentioned in that last answer, about sole purpose, and I'm curious if you have any thoughts on how I wil Fisher doing in finding my pathway, along this aligned sole purpose, you

Zintis  38:26  
already know the answer to that you are doing quite well, well, because you have but if you look at your life, you see that is where looking back, we generally do not advise spending too much time looking into the past, because that is serves only as a memory or serves as a legacy a rudder. So in your past, in your earlier life, there were various currents that were taking you in the wrong directions. And were various circumstances that were difficult in many ways or in several ways. And so in experiencing those, imagine that you were on a, on a boat, or you were the boat on a river and that river is your sole purpose. So you were banging into rocks who are banging into the side into the cliffs. And then generally you started to notice that it was easier to stay in the middle of the current and it was easier to navigate and everything became far more pleasant and interesting. And so, that is how you did much of finding one sole purpose goes back to your question and our answer and creativity when you realize or align yourself to what feels the best and you start to notice that things are getting easier. Then in fact, you are on the right path you are following your sole purpose. Now back to you what we would say we do not generally profit size but what we would say to you is that you will start to see that you Have some growth options in terms of your soul path in terms of your creativity in terms of how you will continue to assist humanity particularly your group of choice men, here, we certainly do not mean that your sexual orientation is a choice, we are saying that you have chosen to work with LGBTQ plus people. So, therefore, you will start to notice that there is a divergence of paths, either one we tell you now, either one is perfect for you, because when you will finish one, you will look back to the other one, perhaps in some other form, but you will do exactly what it is that you are meant to do. Also, what we would say to you is that in your path, you also are opening yourself to other possibilities as well. So that you will start to expand more, you will start to simply become more aware of the different options, and they are all good because for you for a person who has got a developed an awareness is then when you notice something that catches your interest, there is already a reason why it has caught your interest. And then it is worth exploring. And there are many other situations experiences that you encounter that are not of interest. And so you know that these are just simply it is the scenery that you are passing as you are floating along on your particular path of life.

Wil Fisher  41:31  
Thank you, I love that metaphor for going down the river and finding the path that is with the most flow and ease and enjoyment. I think that's a really beautiful tip for all folks as they discover their sole purpose to seek that, that that flowing path. So one more question that's related to me, and then I'll go back to the collective, which is around my health. So I had been speaking earlier about experimenting with a vegan diet. And a lot of this has come because of some concerns I was having around my liver health and the enzymes it was producing. And so just wondered if there's any information coming through about my liver, my diet, my health, anything that wants to be shared at this moment.

Zintis  42:26  
Yes, indeed, your liver is simply sending you a message your liver, anyone's liver, a human's livers, a detoxification organ, but in your case, it is the area of your body that decided to we will say act up a little bit to send the message that all right it's it is time for a change, it is time to adjust, how you are eating and how you are living and all of that, we will say that there is nothing particularly alarming about the condition of your liver, but what we would say to you is that we would also recommend and this is also for all but it is for you specifically that there are certain herbs, there are certain cleansing herbs that are very beneficial for the liver to help it rebuild, we are not if necessary, if it is possible, then we are not much should we say we prefer to advise you to take natural substances, because you are a natural human being you are not a machine that needs to subsystem chemicals and therefore the natural substances will help you. So therefore, we would say do some cleansing of that nature with herbal formulas. And then also what we would say to you is that the liver does carry some anger issues your there are some anger issues that are unresolved that you have stored there. And these are best to be worked out and you are aware of them for the most part, if not all of them. And therefore we can we will not go into that at the moment. But this is something also to consider is just simply to find the time you do not need to relive the experiences, it is best to forgive if you can, but it is also just simply file them away. So take them out of your liver out of your body out of your system, your energetic system and put them somewhere if you do not wish to destroy them or get rid of them completely, then file them away in a little box somewhere and have a lock lock it up. So if you need to retrieve it, if you wish to revisit it for whatever reason, then you can but at the same time, remove those from your system and that will also be of help to you. Beautiful,

Wil Fisher  44:43  
thank you for that. That's really helpful. Any going back to the collective? You know, we are just over a week into the new year at the time of recording this and I'm curious if there's any messages for the collective around this moment of time this year 2020 For any words that might support people as they traverse this time on this planet.

Zintis  45:09  
Indeed, it is an interesting time for you and interesting in ways that some will consider to be very scary. And we understand that the energy swirling around your planet are intense, they're more intense than they have been in, perhaps decades or even longer. And there is a reason for that, because it is almost like a sink or swim moment for humanity. So you can go in one direction and rather dismally fail, or you can start to really pull yourself up. And all indications are that humanity will make it humanity will actually decide that this is enough of this and they wish to you wish to live in a better way, you know, lighter way. And here we mean lighter, and not only in terms of physical weight, but emotional weight, spiritual weight, mental weight, so start to discard, what we will tell you is that it seems likely that around the time of April and May, that will be a very, very intense period for humanity, there may be some earth shifting type changes also best, until then it's in the few months that are between now and then to really get yourself organized. So if you can lighten the load in whatever way, go ahead and do that. But more importantly, find what happens, what works for you what is important for you. So the people that are, you love the people that are important to you, in your life in your relationships, make sure that you strengthen those that you actually reach out and say this is the time that we want to be together in whatever way. The other thing that we would say prior to these intense months, is just simply to try to find your life purpose, so that if and when push comes to shove, you need to make some very big decisions, then you are not looking and then wondering at that moment, what it is that you should be doing or could be doing so that you will have some preparation. And then if nothing happens, if April in may go by and everything is business as usual, well, then you will have prepared yourself in a very positive way for whatever is next. And then what we would say for the rest of the year is that it is going to resolve it is going to play out these circumstances of the intense months will continue to unravel, to unfold to play out in whatever ways and realize that it is a very large world, your planet contains 9 billion people in very different circumstances. And so the circumstances that you and the channel and perhaps many of your listeners are in are quite different than the circumstances of the billion people who live in the country of India or we live in the country of China. And so understand also that this is for everyone. This is not just for one country or one continent. And so that is always important to remember that you as humanity, are very, very multifaceted. And so try to incorporate some understanding of what others are going to feel what others are experiencing. Because that will help you ultimately that will help you as a human to grow in compassion, and also in your own spiritual development.

Wil Fisher  48:38  
Huh, thank you so much, Joshua. I feel like I could keep asking you lots of questions. But in the spirit of time, perhaps we'll end there unless there's any final words you want to share, to become to a close

Zintis  48:52  
Oh, indeed. But we will just simply finish by saying similarly as we did when we started is that we do admire and we do on some level almost envy. The people who are listening the LGBTQ crowd because of your particular beauty, you are amongst humans, you are almost the most interesting and the most special. And remember that tuck that in your heart when you are feeling somewhat dissed down or in some other way that you are being hurt or whatever the case might be sad. And then remember that you are special in your own way. Everyone is special. We understand that but you have a particular place and the large family of humanity and be proud of that. Thank you beautiful. Then we shall bid you good day. Mm

Wil Fisher  49:49  
hmm. Beautiful lights. They have returned. Yeah. Wonderful. Oh, great. Yeah, I'll just ask some some final questions kind of I'm on the other side of that wonderful experience that was really incredible. And it is interesting. It's like it feels so different me now back in the room with you, then what I just was in moments ago, energetically, and just the way that you look and how you sound, everything feels like a different person was here, and now they're gone. It's very interesting.

Zintis  50:29  
It is. And I will just comment that toward the end of my sessions with pepper Lewis when I was receiving them, there were a few that I really didn't have any questions. I just wanted to be in that energy. Because it is so healing in so many ways is so empowering. I think. So. Yes, absolutely. I can understand what you just said. Wonderful.

Wil Fisher  50:53  
And I'm just curious, how is the experience for you? Is it tiring? You mentioned that you enjoy it? Is there any way other ways that you describe how it is to be a channel in those moments? Well,

Zintis  51:07  
I have to say that I've channeled Joshua for so long and so frequently that that that is very easy for me. I do channel other other beings, other energies, other entities at times, and depending on who they are and what their energy is. I, it does tend to affect me more in terms of physical. One of the things that Joshua has always told me, and particularly the beginning was that Joshua and I are a team because energetically we are quite compatible. So for me now, what just I don't much recall anything that was said I, if you were to ask me a specific question about something I was said, because it was so short time ago, such a short time ago, like I might be able to recall it. But it's going to it's going to fade away within an hour, I will have no idea what happened. So it's almost like taking a little nap. I mean, wow. Like for my mind, what happens physically is that I do on some level tense up a little bit. So what I find if I've done a very long session, like the man hour and a half or even two hours, then it just takes a while to really kind of get control of my body back.

Wil Fisher  52:24  
Fascinating. Yeah, well, thank you, again, for allowing me to have that experience and to offer it to my listeners. That was really fascinating and very valuable. And so as we wrap up, yeah, you know, I am grateful, very grateful for that platform Oracle for reaching out and allowing us to have this experience. And is there anything you want to say about that platform or about any more about your work as we wrap things

Zintis  52:55  
up? No, the platform is it's new. I mean, that it's we've been as together as a group of channelers and we're working on opening up more and more to more and more people. But the wonderful thing about it is that anyone who's interested in in having a channeling experience, it's there are many add on at this point, maybe 20 of us I'm not sure exactly how many around the platform that to choose from and so there are men and women and various ages and also bringing through various different types of energies. So as a platform, it's really a wonderful way. And the the owner or I should say, the the person in charge, whose idea all of this was she's she's the instigator of Oracle, her name's coin new. She actually has personally vetted every Channeler who's there so it's not just you know, someone signed up without you quite a bit of bad betting is the word is she really she she made sure that the person's energies and the channeled energies fit into the highest possible good. So it is it's a great place to visit and to sign up for a session if somebody's interested in that or exploring channeling to there. There's information about channeling on the site, and, and each of us has a different story and, and there's little videos of us doing our work or talking. It's actually kind of a fun place to visit and also Yeah,

Wil Fisher  54:28  
oh, cool. That's very cool. It's it's exciting to me that this type of work is coming so much more to the forefront of the mainstream. And so things like that, but a platform for channelers you know is indicative of this new Earth you know, that is moving more and more into an awakened consciousness. Oh, I totally agree. Amazing was it because it just it's been such a pleasure. I'm so glad that I've gotten to to know you through this Is process and is there any final piece that you'd like to share as we wrap up? Well, no. I

Zintis  55:07  
mean, I could I could talk to you like, more and more about this and other things as well. But hey, thanks for having me, Willie, this is, I'm so glad that he, one of I will wrap it up. They say, you know, I'm somewhat older, I think than you are. And in my when, when I was young and living in New York City 30 plus years ago, you know, spirituality and gayness didn't necessarily go hand in hand to the GLBT center. At that point, it was the gay and lesbian center, you know, in the West Village, there were courses, they were different expressions of, you know, whatever, but very little of it had to do with with spiritual opening or spiritual growth. And I think that we've really cross that bridge. And I think we understand how important we as a group are to humanity, and then our growth is collectively so it's really a great, what you're doing is just so wonderful to to facilitate spirituality. And I would say opening that's, that's the word I like to use, you know, we are all opening into something better.

Wil Fisher  56:17  
Beautiful. Thank you so much. Yeah, I'm well pleased to do it. Thank you many blessings, and much love you too. Thank you. Thank you for listening Beloved's. I hope you really enjoyed this episode. And please do go to the show notes and check out oracle.com It's a really interesting site. And you can learn more about Zim tiss there and all the other channelers that that platform connects people with. Also check out my website, wilfully living.com You know, Joshua's spoke about the importance of connecting with our purpose in this time. And as we have recently entered into the earth Dragon, it is a very auspicious time to be connecting with our purpose. And there are so many things in the energies of the cosmos right now that are supporting those of us who are connecting with our purpose to really manifest from that aligned place, and I love supporting my clients in that work. So please do check out my website. And if you feel so called, please reach out. I'm sending so much love. Thanks again. Oh, my God is Beloved's. What a joy it was to be with you today. Let's hang out again soon. Okay. And if you can think of a friend who would benefit from hearing this, please share it with them. Sending so much love and light to you today and every day. Until next time, peace