Queerly Beloved

Accessing Erotic Trance States with Court Vox

Wil Fisher

Court Vox is a trained Sex and Intimacy Consultant and Sacred Intimate. Founder of his practice The Body Vox, he brings opportunities for his clients to learn about and embrace their bodies and the bodies of others. Court’s work breaks down the walls of shame and anxiety around intimacy and sex. Vox is a sex educator and is experienced working with clients of all sexualities and genders. He offers workshops around the world. 

In this interview we talk about Court's very diverse career path all leading up to becoming a sex coach. We explore the parallels of entering trance space while performing as a musician, and finding that same space while exploring eroticism and sexuality. 

We look at how we can use eros to connect with a bigger part of ourselves and show up in all our fullness. Next we get into some discussion on self-pleasure practices as a meditative practice to shut off the mind (and we even discuss where pornography fits in with all that). We end the interview diving into the power of group work (like at retreats) as a means to help folks see the truth of who they are and the impact they’re making.

 Here's a link for the upcoming Prism festival: https://www.cielos.co/pryzm

And for other ways to connect with Court check out: https://thebodyvox.com/

To connect with Wil, click: https://www.wil-fullyliving.com/

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Wil Fisher  0:01  
Queerly Beloved, we are gathered here today for some juicy conversations about all things spiritually clear and clearly spiritual. I'm wil Fisher, and I'm a lightworker retreat, making Maven, a coach and a drag queen. And I'll be chatting with the most amazing healers, visionaries, wizards and witches who I can't wait for you to get to know and to learn from their epic stories and powerful practices. All right, let's get super wound together into spiritual a queer a cosmic container and blast off. Hello Beloved's. In this interview I chat with cord Vox, who is a trained sex and end they see consultant and sacred intimate founder of his practice the body Vox, he brings opportunities for his clients to learn about and embrace their bodies and the bodies of others. Quartz work breaks down the walls of shame and anxiety around intimacy and sex box as a sex educator and his experience working with clients of all sexualities and genders, and offers workshops around the world. We talk in this interview about his path to becoming a sex coach. And we explore the parallels of entering a trance state while performing as a musician. And doing that same kind of thing. While exploring neuroticism and sexuality. We look out how we can use our arrows to connect with a bigger part of ourselves and better show up in all of our fullness. We get into some discussion on self pleasure practices, and how it can be used as a meditative practice to shut the mind off and even discuss where pornography fits in with all of that. We end diving into the power of group work to help folks see the truth of who they are and who they are not the impact they're making. I'm excited for you to enjoy this episode with Coach fox. How right Hello, Corey, welcome to clearly Beloved. Great to see

Court  1:59  
you. Great to see you too. Thanks for having me. Glad we can make it work.

Wil Fisher  2:03  
Yeah, I'm excited to have this conversation. So as I mentioned, just before we jumped on, the first question I love to ask my guests is tell me who you are. But do so by describing the perfect drag avatar that embodies that. And yeah, I love that you're closing your eyes. Yeah, go in a little bit and think about who you are this moment. This moment in your life in this moment on this day.

Court  2:26  
I feel like I am a kitten that like turns into a vicious dragon. Like you had a and then it just bites you.

Wil Fisher  2:40  
Where do you see that? Where do you think that cute into fierce energy is coming from?

Court  2:46  
I think I'm a little just if I'm being honest, I'm a little frazzled at the moment. Just yeah, having a lot of projects on my plate and feeling like I have to contain it into the like the soft kitten but I I feel like fire dragon right now.

Wil Fisher  3:04  
Well, I invite both soft kitten and fire dragon to be praying with us. Yeah. All as well from here. And yeah, I'll describe my dragon avatar. And what's coming up is something that is supporting the kitten and ready for the fire. Oh, yeah. So it's this, you know, this this lovely sort of housewife avatar that happens to also be a warrior princess. So she you know her reveal would be she's, you know wearing sort of a subdued but comfortable chic, beige inspired outfit that is then revealed into this fierce dragon slayer. So she's able to be with both.

Court  3:55  
I love I love the duality that we're holding.

Wil Fisher  3:59  

Speaker 2  4:00  
beautiful. So good. So I

Wil Fisher  4:04  
am really inspired by your work. And I'd love to hear more about your story and for you to have an opportunity to share a little about your story with our guests. Your story towards this work connecting the divine with intimacy and your story of, you know, becoming a sex coach and becoming a sacred intimate.

Court  4:26  
So I, you know, had a lot of jobs in my life. I worked for corporate for 15 years, I worked for Yahoo. And then I worked for a company called maker studios that got acquired by Disney. And then I worked for a Chinese startup company for a little bit. And during that time, I was also lead singer in a band always so I was a singer for 15 years and really that was sort of my driver and my passion. And I really wanted to become Beyonce something it didn't happen so I became a sex coach instead. That

Wil Fisher  5:00  
was off band or whatever band was that

Court  5:03  
we were, we were in two bands, one was called the library. And then one was called Mirror talk. And it was sort of like synth pop with a little r&b infused. It was good music. And, you know, I did it till I was about 37. And it just got to the point where I lost some joy in it. I really have been singing since I was like five, and loved performing loved recording. And there, the music industry kind of wore me down and I just lost like my connection to the joyfulness of it and you know, my 30s, my 30s were definitely an exploration in my sexuality. And moving more into my holding space, I would say more of my dominance and more of being able to like, hold, hold a container, right. And I feel like sort of when I started discovering rope bondage was, which is sort of how I got here. I sort of loved like this, like the many ways that you could play with eroticism and sexuality, and how it could bring me into what I refer to as trance state, an altered states of consciousness that I really felt when I was performing, have sort of this like, altered humaneness of like, I was so acutely present to what was going on that I was somewhere and something else, I was accessing a part of me that was just different. And that's how I feel when I'm in erotic space. I feel like I'm accessing something that is completely mine, and completely different than who I necessarily am in my life. And it feels like an altered state of consciousness. Yeah. And so I thought, wow, I would like to explore this deeper and go deeper into this. And as I continue to go deeper into my own exploration, kind of processing with my own therapist of like, you know, people connecting to me in really deep ways and not really understanding it, and kind of feeling like, Well, everybody's like this, right? And recognition of like, no, everybody is not offering sort of the same things. And then kind of backing into how to teach other people how to access what I have been able to access for most of my life. It's one thing to be able to say, Yeah, access these really beautiful trance states, and you know, but then if you're not able to teach them, that sort of like, you're just bragging. So my exploration in studying somatic sex education and sex, logical body work, as well as surrogate partner therapy, and deepening my learning and BDSM. And to an extent Tantra was really trying to put language to my own experience. And then in, in so doing, being able to teach it, to figure out ways to teach it to people, so they can access it for themselves. Beautiful,

Wil Fisher  8:15  
and giving that gift of accessibility to this trance state that came naturally to you, and wanting to share it with the world. So when you talk about that trance state, you mentioned it feeling like you're connected to something larger than yourself is what I was getting, how else might you describe that trance

Court  8:32  
state? You know, I don't know, if it's connecting to something larger than myself, I think it's connecting to a piece of myself. That is that is infinitely large,

Wil Fisher  8:43  
thus, for that distinction.

Court  8:46  
Yeah, this is different, like slightly different. So it's just something that's so vast. But also, like when I say to people, like I'm so present in the moment, it's like, I'm so cutely aware that I, I actually, my brain stops thinking and my body just takes over. And I'm sort of like, you know, that movie. With Michel Yao, what was it called? Everywhere, everything, everything everywhere, all at once. Once, it's sort of like that. Like, I mean, like multiple states of consciousness and my arousal state is so high, and then to be able to keep myself there. And to be able to play with these arousal states that that can go up and down. And you know, how we speak about it is it's not necessarily sexual stamina or erotic stamina, but more of like an erotic endurance of like, if I'm going to play here a long time. I can't expect myself to be at a 10 the whole time. But I know how to keep myself at it like an eight and a half or a nine for a pretty long time, which is that really like heightened state of arousal that feels like, it almost feels so good that I don't want to come. Right, and, you know, and then allowing for these spaces to too low, right to come down. If I feel like I'm getting too high, to be able to allow myself and my partners in my part my my partnerships to create space or just speaking for a moment or, you know, creating different types of touch or different types of play. And I think that's where people get a little lost because they're like, I don't know what to do now. Right? We I don't have enough tools in my tool belt to like, keep this going. I know how to go from here to here. But when the arc looks a little bit more like this, yeah. It you know, it takes being able to like access is access something different?

Wil Fisher  10:55  
Yeah, beautiful. And so for those not watching the, what cord cord was describing was going on an upward trajectory, right to the climax to the point where you felt so you start slow, it's kissing or whatever, that intimacy is the foreplay, and then it builds and builds and builds, and then it comes and then it's done. Right. And instead, it being more like a wave. And, yeah, as you were describing that, it is interesting, thinking about your background as a musician. And it made me think of how there's musicality to that experience, right that you watch a band, they don't start with a slow beat and then build and then that's done, it's you often have these waves and you have these different moments, these crescendos and a set. And I'm just present to how there is that that parallel and the other, the other parallel that I'm thinking about, I'm just curious if any of this resonates is also, I often see bands, I'm really a huge fan of live music I've performed in a band, but mostly is like a tambourine player. So I don't have the same experience as you. But that experience that I've observed and witnessed and experienced on some level of, of a band sinking in, you know, like connecting in this way, that is maybe telepathic, or it's something beyond what we do on a day to day basis. So there's that that mind melt that happens, where they are connected in this way, and perhaps yet connected to that bigger part of themselves. And then big part of each other in this unity as they co create this experience, which often is also timeless, right that you also kind of lose sense of time. And so yeah, I'm curious if any of this that I'm riffing on with the the musicality that the experience of a musician is resonates.

Court  12:54  
I think it absolutely does resonate. And I want to also name a big piece that we forget, as we're witnessing performance. And as we're sort of like in the erotic experience itself, which is the prep work, right? of, you know, a band that is really in sync together, and can connect to the audience because they're just so in sync, right, they've had a lot of practice, and they just didn't stand up on that stage and learn the song and do it. It's been years of cultivating, you know, as the, as the lead person, the lead singer, cultivating a presence and a confidence to be able to stand in front of, you know, 1040 50 125,000 people, and not shrink, but to, to give the audience what they want, which is all of your bigness, right? They don't want your smallness, they don't want that. Nobody wants that. And so similar with sex is like nobody wants your smallness, right? They want you to show up in all of your fullness and to be able to access that sometimes is, is challenging for people. And so we think, Oh, well, I see it in movies and disband to perform so well. Why can I have that so you can and there's like steps to get their right there. There are certain practices to be connected to your body to to allow you to connect to your genitals and your sexuality and your eroticism and your lifeforce energy, that allow you to sort of move from audience to audience or person to person with autonomy, because that's yours, you cultivated that. And it might show up differently with different partners or it might show up differently with different audiences, depending on the relationship present. But you leave with that, like nobody takes that from you. And I think that's also a distinction with sex is a lot of people were like, well, this person. This person, you know, gave me the best sex of my life or gave me the best blow job. It's like I guess my question or inquiry would be, you know, what allows you to do that with this person, like, look at the steps, you know, what allows you to feel safe enough, what allows you to create this container with this person just didn't happen, I promise you. And so when you trace that back, you can kind of back into like, what I would call like portals to erotic space, like, what are the portals that you need to be able to access this part of yourself, and then be able to say, I really need mood, I really need smell, I really need music, I really need darkness, I really need a light filled room, I really need to know that person firsthand, and really need negotiation and consent discussions and need to feel love, whatever that is, knowing things about yourself, allow you to have experiences that are really grateful and fruitful, ongoing all the time.

Wil Fisher  15:54  
Yeah, so I love this self awareness that then moves into making requests and really setting up an attentional container that can help access that trance state. And you mentioned practice. And so I'm able to imagine what practice looks like for a band. I'm curious what that might look like, for this paradigm for this trance state in,

Court  16:16  
in intimacy, and the arrows. I mean, you know, everybody's gonna say this, and I'm gonna say it again. But you know, self pleasuring practice is a really valuable way, if you don't have a partner to start to access your own. The pleasure at your own hands, like what do your hands give to your body? Right? And what can your body give pleasure to your hands and just kind of like going back and forth. This exercise called sensate focus, noticing the sensation where your focus is a sensation itself. And it also allows for presence to take place. And as we are continuing to be present, and just what is and what the moment is, then our brains can start to shut down, right, we're really in such a deep place with our body and the sensations that are present. That you know what we're doing later, or the narrative around, like, what this means or who I am or what my family is doing at the moment, it just kind of falls away. And so that is a practice, right? To be able to shut the mind off. It's almost it's meditative. And I work with people that are able to access meditation by sitting by walking, and it's a great it is a great practice. And then it's also like, Okay, what is the through line to connect this to partner engagement or connection to your genitals and your sexuality, because so much of of Western practices, including yoga and meditation, they just skip over the genitals like they're not there. And, you know, when we can include them and to be part of the party. Like, you're invited to write, it sends this message of, of there's importance and value there. Whereas, if I'm doing a body scan meditation, and I go from my belly, to my pelvis, to my thighs, it's like, what happened to my asshole? What happened to my genitals? Like, why aren't those being considered or mentioned or allowed. And that's something to contend with in our society is that we, we think about sexuality, in in the hiding of our own rooms and our shadows. And it's, it's becoming more and more acceptable to talk about in light of day, and to talk about the issues that we're having, and also the pleasure that we're having. It's so much easier to speak about my work through the lens of trauma and healing, it's much more acceptable to talk about it in the form of pleasure and exploration. I, you know, I'm suddenly labeled something else. That's not as kind, right. And that's a noticing in our culture as well.

Wil Fisher  19:11  
Yeah, I think there is something very queer about acknowledging, celebrating and claiming pleasure. I think that that is a gift that we bring is the relationship that we have with pleasure. And just going back to the self pleasure practice that you described, I really appreciate that and hope that can land as an invitation to listeners, I think that especially men, we often relate to self pleasure simply through pornography, which in my experience is often a more dissociative experience. It's, you know, looking at something and almost experiencing the pleasure that that model might be experiencing rather than going in and I you know, I there's I don't think that pornography is all bad. But I think the habit of only using pornography for self pleasure can be a trap. And, yeah, go ahead. Yeah, I'd love to hear your thoughts on that. And I'll share a little,

Court  20:18  
you know, I'm of the mindset that it's all valuable, right. And, but if you're only eating off of one item on the menu, over and over, and over and over again, it's like, you're not really pushing yourself or pushing growth or pushing your palate. And, and then when you're actually out in real life, it's like you only have reference to one, one way of doing it. And so it's hard to change that pattern. But if you're, you know, allowing yourself to a point to be a part of your investigation, practice, and then self pleasuring practice to be an option. And then using porn with audio or, you know, using it in different ways. Like, you start to have different choices of how to utilize and how to create space for yourself. That can look different and all have value, right.

Wil Fisher  21:05  
I love that. Yeah, I love bringing it in creatively bringing it in and new ways. Yeah, so one of my practices is a self pleasure practice. And I often do experience experience as meditation, or even as prayer. And it's a practice I like to do in front of the mirror, and to really experience my body and experience the different ways that my body can move and can experience pleasure. And yeah, I I see it as a way to connect with the divine. I'm curious, your thoughts on that?

Court  21:39  
Yeah, I mean, when we talk about divine, I want to be really clear that sometimes when we talk about divine there becomes like a judgment value attached to it, that it's better than right. So even as we're talking about masturbation with porn, as opposed to self pleasuring practice as a meditation or divine practice, there's, there becomes like a value proposition. But one, you know, the practice with porn is cheap, and, and this associative and the other one is connected and alive. And it's sort of like, yeah, just take, if we could just take the value judgment away. And notice, like, what is divine for you, is not going to be necessarily divine for me. And, and also like, that might change for you your connection to divine like, in, when you're first starting out, divinity might look like your practice with porn, right? And then the so that moment for you might be so divine, but you don't know any better. Right? We don't know what we don't know. And so being introduced to something different, we might go, Well, that was really good. But actually, this, this is what's bringing me pleasure. Now, in this moment in this body that I'm in. And it's not to say that that wasn't great. It was a stepping stone. It's almost like when we're working with teachers, and like, some people will come work with me, and they'll say, Yeah, I worked with him, and it was like, you're way better. And it's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, you know, actually, we need to acknowledge this teacher, as someone who brought you to this moment, and you don't know, you may not have been ready for what I have to offer, or coming in. And at some point, my hope for you is that you will also outgrow me, and there will be some other teacher that brings you something new, and to acknowledge that it's cumulative, right, and that all will come together. And so honoring all the things that have brought us to this moment in time, I feel like is part of recognizing the divine for yourself in this specific moment.

Wil Fisher  23:47  
Yeah, thank you for that. Thank you. And I know it occurs to me that you are a champion of accessibility, and to the poor folks that know that there are steps and that all of it is part of the process, that we don't need to jump to this, you know, intense, Sacred Divine, you know, this, this expectation or assumption that it needs to be so grandiose, that, you know, we get to move and do what is true for ourselves. And that our path really, and our process really is just coming back to that truth. And it's going to be

Court  24:25  
different for everybody. Absolutely. So,

Wil Fisher  24:30  
I'd love to hear about your thoughts on the ways that queerness shift our relationship with with spirit. So you we talked about autonomous spirituality, and I'd love to hear about how you connect those things.

Court  24:50  
So when you propose this question to me, you know, before we met, I was like, this is such an incredible question because it's almost in a alignment with what we were talking about a couple seconds ago, which is, you know, autonomous divinity is really like, I own this, this is mine. And then the queerness piece of it is similar of, I don't necessarily need to ascribe to what everyone else is telling me this is supposed to be. In fact, I'm going against the grain. in all ways, everyone is telling me that I'm wrong, that I'm that my sexuality that my personhood, in many ways is not valued. And I'm saying, Actually, I don't believe you. I, I am beating to the beat of my own drum. And I know this to be true in myself. And so those feel inherently linked, I think, just kind of going back to this judgment value of like, queerness can also be this sort of club, right? Like, where we're like, we have shunned all of the traditional things and like we are in this club of our own. And I think, just this thought that I'm in right now, especially as we are in Pride Month, it is June, as we're speaking, and I don't know when this will air. But there's so many different movements happening. There's the stop Asian hate movement, there's the BLM Movement, there's the queer movement, the women's movement happening. And even you know, there's a small men's, sis hat men's movement that's sort of bubbling up. And it's sort of like, it's wonderful that everyone has their own space, to be alive and be with their own communities. But if we never take the time, you know, and I'll speak from, for queer people in this moment, if we never take the time to look at our own internalized homophobia, if we never take the time, in consideration, to look at our relationship with straight men, and our relationship to straight women and misogyny for that matter. And we don't look at what our relationship to racism, including black, and Asian, we're just sort of like staying in our bubble. And really, that's not what queerness is, right? queerness is a shock, that is socially acceptable, but it's also an expression of acceptance of what is in for different people. And so I feel like if we're going to make any sort of these movements have to find some sort of cohesiveness together, if we're going to move forward as a collective, a collective group of humans. Because what I know, from working with queer men, is we're a microcosm of the world. And there is all these things, there is misogyny present, there is racism present, and there is internalized homophobia, and there is feel there is healing that needs to be had with straight men. And that takes work, right and repair. And, and we're sort of in this space of canceled culture right now. And at some point, we're going to need to figure out how to come to a space of repair.

Wil Fisher  28:29  
And what do you think that work is? And perhaps you could speak to it from the context of erotic and intimacy work that you do? Or perhaps it's something else? But what do you think that is that work is to bring more connection, more acceptance, more cohesiveness and collaboration between

Court  28:49  
outcasts groups? is a really big question. I think, you know, as a leader in queer men spaces, I think, what is likely the most valuable work that needs to be had is with sis hat, white men. And it will involve some really strong leaders coming to the forefront to hold the impeccable space for this group of humans. Because as it happens in the world, those are the people that hold much of the control. And the rest of the world is sort of like, we're ready for you to shift. We're ready for you to change. And so we're kind of in this unique time of, of, you know, women are like really powerful in this way right now. They're like, we're actually done. We just rather be single, or, or be with women, or if you with queer men, just done with you. We're done with your bullshit. We're done with being your mothers. So we're done with babying you and you figure it out. And I, you know, it's been centuries of sort of this accumulation of privilege in our bodies. And, you know, even in my own body, I'll speak to that. And just like putting some of that down to be able to see the harm in the damage that lives inside our actions and in our own language, right. And there's just a lot of work that has to be done to retool that. And currently, there's not a lot of space for men and speak about men, because that's sort of my, my jam. There's not a lot of space for men to gather in ritual space, to create healing, to cry, to dance, to fight to, to be held accountable, to be sad, to speak about the shadow of feminine, to speak about women, to learn, to learn how to connect to their bodies to dance to be in nature, in a way that's like heart opening and vulnerable. There's not a lot of spaces for that, and it's necessary. And it's one of the reasons I love working with groups so much is because when when we can create a cumulative space for men to like drop the guard, real conversations can happen. And you start to as a participant, you start to understand, well, my, my words have meaning and impact. And they're not as kind or as funny, as I thought they were. And my, my presence is different than I thought it was, as I'm seeing reflected back. So there's there's a lot of power in group work.

Wil Fisher  31:52  
And it circles me back to this piece around truth is supporting people to really understand the truth of who they are the truth of the impact that they're currently making. So they can perhaps see what they want instead, and to be on that healing path to create the possibility of more harmony amongst

Court  32:13  
amongst all people. Yeah, and truth is, is sort of truth is sort of tricky, because we are taught and conditioned out of our truth. And it's hard. It's say it's a practice to be able to decipher your actual truth. What, what is actually like, what are you attuned to with your truth? And what is a story that was given to you? And that's a deep question for every individual to ask of, is this a narrative that's mine? Or is it something that I learned and adopted? And if it's not mine, and what is mine, and that's an exploration in in many different facets, not just sexuality.

Wil Fisher  33:05  
Yeah, and there are so many modalities that can support folks to investigate that to go inside, to start letting go of the things that are not true to them, and heal the things that are holding them from connecting with that truth. And so I know that you've got some of that work coming up, and that you are a champion, again, for access to the trance state. So I'd love for you to share a little bit about the ways that you support people in that and particularly what you've got coming up soon.

Court  33:36  
So I am, first of all, I'm launching an online community and coursework. I'm launching one of three modules this month. And I'm really excited about it. It's something I've been working on for a year, I'll release module two and three, by the end of this year. I really wanted to create a community where my clients and also other people that really don't have access to me in person or can't fly or, you know, can't afford it whatever, have access to it beginnings and for my my clients that I work with a place to go afterwards to stay in community to stay in places that they can continue to integrate. So put a lot of time and energy into creating this space and it will be iterative, slowly surrendering to what it is and how it will be received. It feels I feel nervous and excited at the same time. So that is coming out. I'm launching it with a company called Guided pneus which is a platform for guides. And I also have a retreat coming up in September that sold out but I announced another one that will be in February around sacred sexuality. In San Miguel de de Mexico. And then in September, I'll announce my my 2024 calendar lineup of workshops and retreats that will be happening all over the country in the world. And lastly, I'm going to be teaching small workshop at a festival called PRISM fest, which is in cuyama. It's just like an hour and a half, two hours outside of LA. It's in this glamping space, which looks really beautiful. And, you know, the intention for the creators is to create a really fun celebration of queerness to celebrate and queer joy. And so I'll be there, there was a breathwork facilitator, there's DJs, there's going to be a caftan pool party. Vegetarian meals served. So I'm excited. It's the first one, again, like, these things are iterative. And so you know, there always has to be a first one and a first time. And so I think, you know, in the true spirit of Tantra, like, this is a experiment.

Wil Fisher  36:10  
Yeah. Yeah. I'm in touch with the producers of that event and be there as well and participate in some way of some offense. Yeah, but so I'm excited to meet you in person there. And yeah, and grateful for this time together. Are there any final words you want to leave the listeners with any pieces of wisdom you want to?

Court  36:31  
You know, I would say just like, wherever you are, in your journey on your path, that you're exactly where you're supposed to be. I will tell you that there is more for you. There's always possibility. And so keeping that in mind that you may not know what it is. But if you feel if you feel that there's something there, I promise you it's real. So keep listening. Beautiful. Thank you so much.

Wil Fisher  36:59  
Thank you for listening Beloved's check the show notes for a link about the prison festival we mentioned and for other ways to connect with court. Until next time. Oh, my goddess Beloved's What a joy it was to be with you today. Let's hang out again soon. Okay. Sending so much love and light your way today and every day. Until next time, peace.