Queerly Beloved

Receiving Vibrational Plant & Sound Medicine with Jordi Wood

Wil Fisher Season 2 Episode 5

Jordi Wood is a multi-instrumentalist, singer, medicine carrier, and an advocate for healing. Jordi has spent much of their life learning indigenous wisdom, plant medicine, and sacred music as a means of cultivating their unique curative properties and then combining these learnings to create rich musical and medicinal healing spaces.  Jordi strives to walk the HEART road and is deeply committed to the path of service to those authentically seeking healing, reconnection, and heart opening.  Jordi is passionate about working with individuals who struggle with addiction, PTSD, chronic illness, survivors of sexual abuse, persons struggling with depression, anxiety, or sexual identity, and those within under-represented communities. 

We chat about his unique sacred path and the work he did to follow divine guidance. Even when there were seemingly easier more conventional paths showing up for them to be a successful musician, they kept choosing the heart path, which brought them to beautiful unforeseen places. 

Jordi shares how they worked with ayahuasca alongside tribes from the Amazon to heal critical medical issues he had been dealing with his whole life. Then we discuss the benefits and models of working with other plants from the amazon- using Ayahuasca to interface with these more subtle plants in order to receive learnings from them. We flesh that out hearing about the different categories of plant helpers and the fascinating process of discer'sning what plant wants to work with the person recieiving the medicine. 

Next, we dive into how Jordi works with sound in medicine spaces as a kind of sonar, and utilizes its capacity to transmit packets of information in a sonic form that are registered on an energetic level. It’s really mind-blowing hearing him describe this cosmic technology and how it can be used to heal. 

We explore Ayahueska ability to unlock people’s creative potential and how it calls people back to their natural roles as creators. Finally, we explore the importance of diversity in these plant medicine healing spaces. We look at how the medicine can support folks to recieve more self-love and how important this is for all people, and especially people who are part of marginalized communities. 

Jordi’s album, "The Wheel of Time - An Ayahueska Journey," provides a channel for those who are open to receiving the vibrational medicine of the Master Plant allies of the Amazon. In this episode you'll get to hear two samples from this powerful album, one at the top of the interview and one at the end.  Enjoy!

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Wil Fisher  0:00  
Queerly beloved, we are gathered here today for some juicy conversations about all things spiritually queer and clearly spiritual. I'm Sylvia will gather rainbow, spiritual life coach retreat hosts with the most and drag queens and I'll be chatting with the most amazing folks are simply sharing some wisdom on my own. If you like what I'm serving, please remember to subscribe so we can keep hanging out. Alright, let's get super wound together in this spiritually queer a cosmic container and blast off.

Wil Fisher  0:34  
Hello Beloved's. I'm excited to introduce this next episode of queerly beloved, where I interviewed Jordi wood who is a multi instrumentalist, singer, medicine carrier and an advocate for healing. Jordi has spent much of their life learning indigenous wisdom plant medicine and sacred music as a means of cultivating their unique curative properties. And then combining those learnings to create rich musical and medicine all healing spaces. Geordi strives to walk the heart road and is deeply committed to the path of service to those authentically seeking healing reconnection and heart opening toward he's passionate about working with individuals who are most in need of healing, including those in underrepresented communities. Jordi also has a new album out the Wheel of Time and I WASC a journey, which you're going to get to preview in this interview today. So we chat in this interview about shorty being a musician and a medicine carrier and how those two things weave together, we chat about his unique Sacred Path, and the work he did to follow divine guidance. Even when there were seemingly easier more conventional paths showing up for him to be a successful musician. He kept choosing the hard path, which brought him to beautiful unforeseen places, and Jordi shares how he worked with Ayahuasca alongside tribes of the Amazon to heal critical medical issues he was dealing with. Then we discussed the benefits and models of working with other plants from the Amazon, using Ayahuasca to interface with those more subtle plants in order to receive learnings from them. And we really flesh that out hearing about the different categories of plant helpers, and the fascinating process of discerning what plant wants to work with which person. Next we dive into how Jordi works with sound in medicine spaces as a kind of sonar and utilizes its capacity to transmit packets of information, and Sonic form that are registered on an energetic level. It's really mind blowing, hearing him describe the cosmic technology that can be used to heal. We explore AI's ability to unlock people's creative potential, and how it calls people back to their natural roles as creators. Finally, we explore the importance of diversity in these plant medicine healing spaces, and how the medicine can support self love, especially for marginalized communities. So jordiz album Wheel of Time provides a channel for those who are open to receiving the vibrational medicine of the masterplan allies of the Amazon I love this album and energy at transmits and I'm going to play a short sample of it for you now and then again at the end of the interview, my beloved please enjoy


Wil Fisher : Jordi Woods. So good to see you. Welcome to greatly beloved.

Jordi  4:16  
Thank you so much for having me. It's an honor to get to connect with you today. Yeah,

Wil Fisher  4:20  
thanks. It's an honor for me as well. I'm happy that we've been able to make this happen. And I remember seeing your info your music, I forget how I came across it. But as soon as I saw it, I was like, this is someone I would love to have on the show. And so I imagine you, you know, heard from this random guy talking about a podcast and I just appreciate you for for being open and receptive to that invitation.

Jordi  4:48  
Oh, no, absolutely. And it's, you know, it's a privilege to get the opportunity to speak about these things because not always, you know, is there a space or container that can hold these kinds of conversations. So, you know, when you had reached out and I'd gotten to connect with your podcasts like it just felt very serendipitous to get that invitation. So, yeah, here we are, yes,

Wil Fisher  5:13  
yes to serendipity. Right. So yeah, I would love to ask you, my, my infamous first question, which is, who are you in this moment, but tell me by describing the perfect drag avatar that embodies that, and if you'd like, I can go first. Or if you're ready to breathe into it, and go, you can start with

Jordi  5:37  
um, yeah, what comes to mind and this is, this is something that kind of is an archetype that plays out throughout my, my journey is the plumed serpent, or the castle quad or the Feathered Serpent? You know, just in these regal capsule feathers, and that symbol of like transformation and at the same time, this like cosmic kind of, yeah, connection as well. So that that to me is kind of the the archetypal energies that feel like, yeah, my drag avatar.

Wil Fisher  6:18  
Beautiful. Yeah, I love that archetype. I was just last week at Disneyland, actually. And I was noticing all these incredible spiritual principles and ideas that we're running through some of these Disney stories. And, and Coco has that archetype. I believe, that's what I was seeing in this beautiful projection that they did, and this light show at the end of the day, and it was so magical, and I was it was in multi colors, and just so bright and beautiful. And it felt like they were flying over the audience in this light and water. Projection fantasy. Yeah, so I resonate with with them as well. I'll share I'm feeling I'm feeling a little bit of a turtle energy. I'm like, you know, wearing this, this soft green. And lately, I've been wanting to just like be on the ground, like, like lying down on the ground, like, not just standing or sitting. But just like, all of me does lying on the ground. And I think in part is because of a week I'd like Disney and California Adventures of Universal Studios, where it was just like, so much stimulation and so many people. And then coming back to my space and feeling a little under the weather and just wanting to like ground like being desperate to ground and so. So I'm in this like turtle energy of sort of slowing down and feeling the earth and feeling grateful to be able to slow down and feel the earth. I love that. Thank you. Yeah, so I'm so excited to hear more about your story, as a medicine carrier as a musician. And I imagine those two things really weave together. So I'm not sure which one to start which access point to start. But in my notes, my first question is to share a little bit about coming into connection with plant medicines. And if you'd prefer to start with the music piece that works too.

Jordi  8:34  
Yeah, I mean, it is so in or related. And I think, you know, ultimately, for me, the doorway into the medicine was was the music, you know, it was the sensitivity and the vibration and the connection to a more subtle realm of being. And so, you know, for me, really, the music is such an important piece because it allowed me my sense of understanding and how to navigate that realm. And, you know, music to me has been kind of the constant thing in my life, that's always made sense, or everything else is, you know, changed or adapted. But for me, this constant of music has really given me my understanding of the way in which the world works. And, you know, I've started playing music at a young age, I started playing piano, and that's kind of really my, my main instrument is piano and it's such a, like a beautiful map for music theory, like it's really just laid out in front of you that you can see in such a very, you know, logical way. And, you know, as a young kid, I was always very interested in wanting to play music professionally, and I even went to school for piano pedagogy, which is like to be a professor, teacher of music. And, you know, through A lot of various major crossroads in my life, you know, I've kind of been asked over and over again to, you know, follow this like, easy path maybe towards stardom, maybe towards a record and record deal, you know, these kind of more worldly opportunities. And then there was always this counterbalance of, you know, following spirit and following my heart. And I speak a lot about this in my in, in the ceremonies and in the workshops that I do is, you know, the hard path, you know, being really one that requires us to tap into the discernment of the heart and listen, with full intention on where, you know, we're being guided. And, and so I've had, you know, several of these, these experiences, one in this large music act that was giving, was receiving a, a record deal. And choosing to follow these very vivid dreams of Spirit coming in and talking to me and telling me like, this isn't the way. Wow. And so yeah, so, you know, music was kind of that catalyst even for me, because, in this case, you know, when I turned this, this opportunity down, and I was living in on the East Coast, you know, my heart was drawing me back to Texas, where I had lived for a long time, and after that, opportunity kind of fell through and I moved back, you know, I kind of just put it out in the universe and was, like, you know, I feel like, I'm ready to start to address some of these, this feeling that I've, you know, been needing and trying to find help with, and I always kind of been a medical anomaly my whole life and had all these, you know, weird things happen to me as a kid and, you know, doctors telling me, you know, advantages, certain life expectancy, and they don't really know how to help me and and so at this point in my life, I was kind of like, okay, well, I'm ready to, like, take my health into my own hands. And I can set that intention is like, well, I want to find ayahuasca and I want to find the medicine and, like, literally, within two weeks, and been contacted by somebody invited me to get to go and sit. And so yeah, that was, to me, it was really the, the start of this path. And that was, you know, about about 12 years ago. And so, yeah, you know, they are just so interwoven. And, and, you know, I was blessed to sit with this incredible Maestro. And his music was just so otherworldly touched me in a way that I, you know, I, I didn't understand at the time. And so yeah, you know, it kind of led ultimately, to me just being open to following the guidance of the medicine and following my higher guidance. And, you know, that led me to being invited to come down and start dieting, which is a practice with the plants that is kind of a deeper immersion, where you're connecting on a vibrational and spiritual level with other plant teachers that are not psychotropic in nature, they have a medicinal property, and then using Ayahuasca to kind of interface and connect with the spirit or the energy of these plants. And so a lot of my learning came from, you know, direct connection with these plant allies and plant spirits. I was also was blessed with a mestizo teacher, who was very trusting of me and saw that I had reverence for the medicine and wanted to, you know, respect the lineage and the tradition. And then I've also been initiated into the Shipibo lineage, which is a tribe in the galley, river, Amazon River Basin. And, yeah, and it was ultimately all for, you know, I don't say selfish reasons, but it was for my own healing. It was for me to find relief from the suffering that I had been kind of just exhausted in from and, and, yeah, you know, as soon as I received the healing that I was seeking, the only natural thing was for me to share it with others. And so yeah, and so that kind of opened the doors. It wasn't something that I really didn't intentionally rise to, to step into the medicine space as a medicine carrier, but to community and the people that I was supporting and my teacher and and even the medicine in such a really profound way, if it was just kind of like, pushing me up to step into this role that was, you know, had the sacred, like Bruce, really respectful the sacredness, and the traditions. And also something that's really important for me that I like to speak about a lot is for people to feel safe. And for people to feel accepted and nourished through this experience, which can be you know, kind of rattled us sometimes. So, yeah, it's gonna be a long, long story short,

Wil Fisher  15:34  
beautiful, there's so many different touch points that I want to talk to and have some follow up questions. But first of all, I just want to mention the peace around following that higher guidance following that heart direction, that heart calling, and the challenge of that, you know, to have these other opportunities that by the mental game feel so much more, they make so much more sense, right? It's like, wow, this is such an opportunity. This is what everybody wants, right? This is what I should want. This is exactly what I have thought I've wanted, right. And then to have that countered by this other feeling this heart calling. From my experience, yeah, it can be very challenging and confusing, and requires so much courage to actually stay committed to the spiritual path, stay committed to the heart path, in the face of all the mind games that are going on that are saying, You're making a big mistake, or this is obviously not going to be the easy way forward. So I just want to commend you for for staying, listening to the heart guidance and, and to also recognize the that it's a challenge has been a challenge for me, and continues to be, you know, there continues times where I'm like, Wow, this again, do it, do it, and I keep choosing it, you know, it's like a constant continuous choice, okay. And I'm going to choose it again. And I'm going to choose it again. And I'm going to stay on this path.

Jordi  17:15  
And there's like, oh, there's almost like this sense of spiritual accountability to which I've noticed that we're here. You know, it's like, we can choose to learn the lesson the easy way. Or like, if we say, No, the lesson comes back and this much louder way. And so, yeah, absolutely. I think I think we're all ultimately given the opportunity to, to supersede our lessons. And I think that's really where we're at as a collective even at like, are we ready to get off at this exit? Or, you know, where we want to wait a little bit longer until the road gets a little bit? You know, more chaotic? Who knows? So, but yes, absolutely, absolutely. Yes.

Wil Fisher  17:57  
That's a big piece to it, too, is how long do we want to wait? You know, for me, sometimes it is about, okay, like, I can see what my heart is telling me to do. I can hear the higher calling, and I'm scared. And do I want it to last longer? Or do I want to just go through it? You know, I've and it's taken me some time to get to that point. But at this point, I'm seeking the more accelerated path, which which requires more courage. So yeah, I just want to honor you for for being a model for that. And yeah, you know, one of the things that I feel is not spoken about very often is a is the more nuanced dyad does that happen with the Amazonian plants, you know, I feel like I WASC is coming has come to the mainstream is something that people know about, they understand as this transformative medicine. And I have more recently heard about the the other diatas and I'm actually you've just got an email a couple of days ago with an opportunity to sit for two weeks in Peru and be with some of these other plants. And so I'm especially lit up about it and curious to hear more about your experience with interfacing with these other perhaps more subtle plants and their teachings.

Jordi  19:25  
Yeah, absolutely. And it is, you know, it is such a major part of the cosmology, like a lot of people look at Ayahuasca as like the focal point, but in actuality it's just a part of this larger pantheon of of allies and archetypes and healers and when we're we're looking at you know, healing and we're looking at helping someone who's come on come in with like a condition or they've come in with, you know, something that they're wanting to work on. You know, in so many ways You know, the plants are already talking to us and trying to show us which, you know, like, which plant wants to work with that individual. And, you know, what we find is that, you know, part of the healing, aside from, you know, immersing people in nature and kind of taking away their normal means of, you know, distraction, you know, will sometimes take away people's, you know, iPads or, or even art stuff or books, anything that can kind of distract someone and my teacher would always tell me, it's like the things that begin to come up, when we start to just to limit our distractions, that that's the sickness, that's the illness. And oftentimes, it comes from a lack of a certain type of archetypal energy or a lack of a lesson that has been received, you know, addictive patterns, and the way that trauma shows up in the body vehicle, that oftentimes there is a helper that can, like, fit, fine and fit into that space that is needing reconciliation and needing healing. And, in essence, you know, the plants are kind of divided into these four different categories. The first category being one of purification. So there's a lot of plants that kind of fall into either a purgative, or any other sort of expectorant, or helping to kind of cleanse the body. And then the second category is for sensitivity. And so there's a lot of plants that kind of help with the nervous system with opening the gates of perception that can help us to tune in on a more subtle level, to the energetics of plants. The third category being for strengthening, to help to invite more energy into the body, or into the spirit, to allow for the healing to happen. I mean, so many people come into these spaces, and they're just depleted after you know, how long of trying to, you know, to work with these things. And then the last category is one is of protection. And so these plants, oftentimes are trees, very large trees, that have more strength and have more capacity to help give you a buffer, in your work or in your life. And so yeah, so we kind of can see, you know, judging on how people come in, and then energies that they're wanting to work with, we can kind of look into to see what's going on on an energetic level. And oftentimes, we just see, like these plants growing around the individual and our vision, and so it's, you know, it's like, we're like, oh, this plan is very present with you, it wants to work with you. And I think that's kind of where a lot of people don't understand is, like, you know, although we're helping people through our lens of understanding and what the plants have taught us that ultimately, we're listening to your higher self, and we're listening to the plant medicines, and we're, we're kind of creating a protocol for that, you know, to come through and this this higher intelligent guys more intelligent than, than all of us, you know, that, that kind of can begin this process in a way that creates an intentional connection with these plants.

Wil Fisher  23:42  
Beautiful, thank you so much for breaking that down. It makes me even more excited about this possibility. And so from my understanding, one would concoct sort of a mix of the plants that would most serve this person, and then that person would in theory be kind of drinking this this elixir throughout their time in the jungle and then be sitting with it throughout that time as well. And I imagine that in drinking that that elixir that is having some impact or influence on the SER the ceremony with with Ayahuasca, or is there is am I getting the sense of it, and you know, this is all under a mysterious umbrella. So if it doesn't feel right to share more, that's okay. But I'm just

Jordi  24:36  
curious. Yeah, and you know, it's different traditions do different things like for what I find to be the most beneficial is that we work with one plant at a time. I find that it helps people to begin to start to attune to the frequency of these plants. And that's really what it is that we're doing. We're trying to resonate our frequency at the same infrequency as these these as these plants are operating. And so a lot of things kind of begin to happen because we're we're stopping eating any sort of sensory food and the excitotoxins anything that's just, you know, can distract us from the subtle, we kind of be in a takeout. And so a lot of my diets, you know, I've been in the jungle three months, six months at a time eating nothing but quinoa and sweet potatoes. And then working with this one individual plan, and, you know, we, it does, it starts to work on us on a subtle level that starts to change us, it starts to bring things up, it starts to put us into circumstances where these energies that we have not resolved in our being can then be brought up and sometimes very interesting ways, you know, and then, absolutely, like, I really feel like Ayahuasca in this context really acts as this interface that acts as this bridge, and this intermediary for us to connect with the spirit of these plants that we're working with. And like you said, drinking every morning. And, you know, the, to kind of connect it back to the music, you know, the plants in a lot of ways, as they begin to get to know you, and as they begin to connect with you. And you know, for me, my process is so like, treat it like I would a teacher and give it reverence and gratitude and love and spend time with it and sing it songs, you know, that eventually this plant will come in your visionary space, or your dream space or your meditation, and offer you its song. And the plant says, you know, basically, like, you don't need to take me internally anymore, when you need me to provide healing, just call me by my song. Wow. And so the equal dose and the medicine songs that you're hearing in these ceremonial contexts. You know, some are passed down from, you know, lineage, but most often, these songs that are being sung are plant songs that have been directly transmitted from diets and from this interchange that we have, when we work in a subtle way. Wow, beautiful. Thank you. That's

Wil Fisher  27:24  
exciting. Could you share a little bit more about Ikaros and your experience with the songs, perhaps songs that you've been gifted? In your work?

Jordi  27:36  
Yeah, absolutely. And it's such a incredible technology, like, it's this ancient technology, but it's, you know, it's so cosmic and nature and, you know, sound and it's in its own right, you know, can carry our intention, you know, I feel in so many ways, like, and when we can say, I love you 50 different ways, you know, but how my intention comes across through me expressing it in that way, can be felt, on a subtle level. And so sound has this incredible capacity to like, transmit packets of information. In a, in its Sonic form that is registered on an energetic level that our body doesn't necessarily always, you know, registered consciously. And so these songs, you know, when I was taught how to, to guide ceremonies, through singing, my teacher would always tell me, he said, Follow the visions, that the, the songs are actually kind of almost narrating what it is that we're seeing in the patient, or in the room or in front of us. And so, you know, it's kind of almost like a step by step guide, where we're like, Okay, now we're cleaning and that we're rinsing this off, and now we're working with your liver and your kidneys. And, you know, now you have something going on in your spine. So we're going to help to align the energies and you know, it's kind of this like guidance and navigation system that that helps us to move through any obstacles that we're overcoming. And that's really how I see it. It's like we're, we're driving this ship through our songs. And so yeah, so and then there's this weird mechanism and I'm just going to try to speak about this. So it's like the songs almost act as like a sonar. Like, when the sound comes out of me and bounces off of another individual. I then get the information on what's going on in that individual's body or in individuals process or I started to get visions and what they're seeing and wow, and then there's like this corrective mechanism that happens in myself. So I started to feel the energies in my body and then I started to correct it and myself by inviting in the plants and my allies to help with whatever it is that I feel like is needing support. And then once it's corrected in my body vehicle, I send that frequency back out to the individual, and then they their body can start to entrain to that higher vibrational frequency and actually, you know, work and heal, if that makes sense. So

Wil Fisher  30:24  
what process that's amazing. Wow, beautiful. away. So that was just such an amazing piece of information, the technology of that is just mind boggling. And one of the things that I've noticed in my experience with with Ayahuasca is that it wants more song, it wants more music, or that's my experience of it. And, and so many people I know, have felt called to, to start singing or playing an instrument or, you know, being musical and bringing music back into their lives. I personally went and got a Shruti box. And, you know, I've started creating songs that are just flowing through me, since my first sit with AI, which was nothing something I would have considered doing in the past. But it's such a big part of my journey and my process now, I'm curious if you've seen that. And if you have any thoughts on why that might be that that AI is bringing out this musicality and folks?

Jordi  31:33  
Yeah, no, absolutely, there's definitely like an inspiration that happens in those spaces where people begin to unlock their creative potential. And, you know, music is definitely more accessible in that space, I mean, our gates of perception begin to open up so that we can be we start to hear on a deeper level, we start to feel on a deeper level, we're connected to our emotions, our heart opens, our throat chakra opens, you know, these, this kind of natural propensity that the healing kind of provides, it taps us into that, that creator role. And I think that ultimately is a is a really large source of where we need healing in this life is to step back into that creator role. So I definitely see it a lot as a mechanism for people to not only continue their healing, but to connect back with the healing that they have already received. And that's really one of the reasons why I made the album in the first place, the Wheel of Time was, was as a mechanism for integration. It was just for the community for people who have sat with me in Peru and, you know, connections with these songs. And, and so yeah, you know, and it's, it's, I love it, I love getting I get all these texts all the time and people playing an instrument or Toronto or, you know, having their song and, and I think it's such a beautiful gift. And I had someone asked me one time, like, what's the trick on being able to do what you do. And I thought about it for a while. And I really came to the understanding that what allows for that transmission to happen is the ability to be able to listen, that in so many ways, the music is already there. And it's learning how to sing along with it. Wow. And our world is so musical or universe is so musical, that I think as soon as we start to heal, and we start to open up that that music becomes more present in our being.

Wil Fisher  33:43  
It's like holding that space for the music to unfold that it's there, we just need to hold the space the listening for it to, to manifest. And in a similar way. That's what we're doing. When we are creating opportunities of healing, the healing wants to happen, it's our natural state. And we need to create the space the listening or whatever it is that will allow that healing to take place.

Jordi  34:11  
Absolutely, and I think in so many ways to the healing. I mean, we're all we all are instruments, and we're all vibrating and so the healing allows for those pieces to that are you know tense and holding us from our most vibrant vibration that we then as we begin to heal, we start to vibrate and resonate with the medicine. And one of the pieces that I love is like you know, about harmonics is that you know, if you play a note on a piano a B, a C note on a piano that all the other C strings on the piano will begin to vibrate. And I really see that as an allegory for us and as our being like as soon as we start to play the frequencies of love and healing and it vibrates and others and activates and awakens others. So yeah, I love that, that way of thinking. Yeah,

Wil Fisher  35:10  
and I also just want to comment on this piece around integration. And I similarly have felt so grateful that there are these medicine songs, you know, that you can find on Spotify to keep that magic alive. So that, you know, we can't all sit with the Hi Hat every weekend. And we probably shouldn't. But to have that resonance be part of our lives through the music I found so helpful. I mean, it's mostly what I listened to now. And your album is definitely on my playlist. And I'm so grateful for it. And for what you've been through with it, I would like to tap on to before we end, I want to just tap into some Convo about about queerness in this space. And I'm curious how that has been for you to navigate. As a carrier, I don't personally know a lot of folks who are in this space, who are holding that as well.

Jordi  36:06  
And it's been a, you know, even over the last decade, a lot has changed. And I see a lot of need for not only you know, queer spaces, but just diverse spaces, you know, being able create diversity, and these containers, not only provides healing for those who maybe have been outcasted, but it also provides healing for those who have the privilege and have the access to these medicines that maybe don't really understand or know where the need is. And so for me, I mean, the medicine has given me in so many ways. Self love, you know, that was really, you know, being raised in a very conservative household and, and living in Texas, and you know, all the things that we we bump up against in our in our world that maybe doesn't want to validate the way that I feel, when we feel is yeah, it created a need, and it created a space for me to recognize in myself where I still was holding on holding back, and I'm going to still work with and work through shame, and guilt, and, you know, XYZ, all the things that are that the queer realm can kind of Lent to. And so yeah, but what it really created me was this understanding that not everyone is going to feel safe with you. Not everyone is going to feel safe in these settings. But I find that the more that I show up authentically, the more it gives permission for others to show up authentically. And I mean, even recently, you know, just just trying to understand how to show up. For others that don't create a defense mechanism. You know, I'm I'm actually working up right now in a healing Institute near Dallas. And I'm, I mean, I'm in the Bible Belt, you know, I'm in, I'm in the Bible Belt, and it's allowed me in a privilege of being able to understand how to create a larger vocabulary for others. So then there's those defense mechanisms don't come up and recognizing to that it's not necessarily always up to me. And, you know, sometimes the medicine is to actually create an uncomfortable reaction, you know, and so, yeah, but but to kind of answer your question. You know, it's changed a lot in the last 10 years, and I still see that there's an opportunity for, for having a safe space. And, you know, I love the work that, you know, that Hakuna institutes doing. And, you know, there are a lot of a lot of circles that I am seeing where their message is about inclusivity. Because in this realm, there is a lot of exclusivity, there's a lot of groups that operate and they don't invite new people and they don't, you know, they only kind of work with these certain demographic of people. And it is it's a hard room to kind of find and understand what you're getting into. But yeah, how do we have these spaces that provide a container for these deep traumatic experiences that people move through to be able to unravel in a way that does wasn't we traumatize people? Or spin us out in a way then, you know, puts us into a healing crisis? So yeah, absolutely.

Wil Fisher  40:09  
Yeah, I think this work is so important for everybody. But I think particularly for those who have some really deep seated wounds, which, let's face it, a lot of queer folks have. And so I just really honor you for for being a champion in this work as a queer person. And to hold that space for folks. And it's something I'm feeling more and more called to do is to create opportunities for queer folks to sit in these kinds of ceremonies. So I look forward to maybe us connecting and working on that mission together at some point in the future, maybe bringing some queer folks down into Peru or something exciting and transformative like that. Just dropping that seed planted that little seed there. Yeah, all nourish it. Beautiful. And so yeah, as we wrap up any any final thoughts you want to share with the listeners?

Jordi  41:07  
Um, yeah, I mean, the Wheel of Time, it's available on Spotify, Apple, Pandora, all the things. It's a, it was recorded when I was in the medicine space. So there's, you know, there is a lot of energy tied up into that album that is it with an intention of healing and helping support people through their process. So that is an available to people. And then as well, I'm in the process of helping a retreat center open up in Peru and Pucallpa that we will be doing plant diets and bringing groups down for 1530 days 60 Day plant diets. canonbury is the name of the retreat center in Bukoba. And But yeah, if people want to get a hold of me, they can reach out on my website Jordy wood music.com. And yeah, like that's everything

Wil Fisher  42:02  
beautiful. Yeah, I'll put a bunch of links in the show notes as well. But this has been such a an honor and a privilege and a joy to speak with you and to receive some of these thoughts, insights wisdoms, and thank you for what you do in the world.

Jordi  42:19  
Likewise, thank you for your platform and for spreading the love.

Wil Fisher  42:23  
Well, that was a super fun and fascinating conversation for me to have. I hope you enjoyed it too. Check the show notes for how to connect with Jordi. You can also see how to connect with me. And if you have a free minute to write a five star review of this podcast or to share with a friend I would be most grateful. I'm also going to leave you with another snippet of jordiz album and you can find the whole album wherever you listen to music, the Wheel of Time and I WASC a journey. Thanks for listening, Peace.

Unknown Speaker  42:50  
