Queerly Beloved

In Relation to Power Animals (and more!) with Alyson Charles Storey

Season 2 Episode 15

In this episode I interview someone who inspired me to launch Queerly Beloved and has made a big impact on my spiritual path, Alyson Charles Storey.
 Alyson is an internationally renowned shaman, best-selling author of Animal Power and host of the Ceremony Circle podcast. Alyson went from being a national champion athlete, top rated radio host and a national daytime television talk show host to aligning with her calling as a shaman after a traumatic moment provided her awakening. Since then, her ability to share ancient sacred wisdom and divine energy and be a powerful catalyst for change has ignited a global phenomenon. Alyson devotes her life to living by the calls and directives of Source. Her best-selling book and card deck Animal Power, we're both the number one new releases in their categories. Her full bio is filled with epic accolades and stories, including the fact that Marie Claire magazine selected her as the cover story, and how she made history becoming the first person to perform on stage at the HBO film festival, where she guided a shamanic journey for over 10,000 people, (which we get into in this interview!). There's also a long list of amazing respected spiritual teachers from around the globe that she's worked with, so check out the full bio via the link below to see more of this amazing woman's journey and accomplishments. 
In thge interview, after discovering and revealing our current drag avatars, Alyson shares an epic story about seeing a gigantic bat in Bali, and the transmission that happened in that moment that marked a long period of deep shadow work.  We then talk about this phrase "in relation," Alyson describing it as the favorite phrase she’s come across in this lifetime. We discuss how so much can be revealed when we ask, “how am I in relation to  ____?"

Next, Alyson talks about how in shamanism you don’t turn away from anything, you lean in, and learn and experience that aspect of life. This leads to a conversation about the possibility of expanding our hearts by seeing God in everything- especially our adversaries or the things that cause us to contract. Then Alyson shares some profound wisdom about ego positioning in relationship to the path of enlightenment.

We then look at the strategy of giving a name to shadow archetypes in our lives in order to have more levity (and compassion for ourselves) when these shadow shows up. Staying in the themes of names, next we hear the story of Alyson receiving the name Rockstar Shaman, and I share about naming from a queer perspective. Alyson also talks about the epic experience of guiding 10,000 people on a shamanic journey at the HBO film festival. 

Coming back to power animals, I share about how Alyson's book Animal Power, had a profound impact on the life of one of my family members who was really struggling. We then get to learn more about power animals and how to work with them, and both Alyson and I share about the power animals that have shown up in our lives and how they have supported our journeys. 

We end with an invitation from Alyson to be open and trust as we traverse these soul contracts. 
 Learn more about Alyson here- https://www.alysoncharles.com/about
 Check out Ceremony Circles Podcast here- https://www.alysoncharles.com/podcast
 Learn more about Wil here- https://www.wil-fullyliving.com/
 Connect with Wil here- https://www.wil-fullyliving.com/contact

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Wil Fisher  0:00  
Queerly Beloveds, We are gathered here today for some juicy conversations about all things spiritually queer and clearly spiritual. I'm Sylvia will gather rainbow, spiritual life coach retreat hosts with the most and drag queens and I'll be chatting with the most amazing folks are simply sharing some wisdom on my own. If you like what I'm serving, please remember to subscribe so we can keep hanging out. Alright, let's get super wound together in this spiritually queer a cosmic container

Hello friends and welcome to another episode of clearly beloved in this one I interview Allison Charles a woman I really admire whose podcast ceremony circle is one of the podcasts that inspired this one. So Alison Charles is an internationally renowned shaman, Best Selling Author of animal power and hosts of ceremony circle podcast. I listen to went from being a national champion athlete top rated radio host a national daytime television talk show host to aligning with her calling as a shaman after a traumatic moment provided her awakening and since then her ability to share ancient sacred wisdom and divine energy and be a powerful catalyst for change as ignited a global phenomenon. Listen to votes her life to living by the calls and directives of source. Her best selling book and card deck animal power. We're both the number one new releases in their categories. Her full bio is filled with epic accolades and stories, including the fact that Marie Claire magazine selected her as the cover story and the next best thing, and also how she made history becoming the first person to perform on stage at the HBO film festival, where she guided a shamanic journey for over 10,000 people, which we get into in this interview. There's also a long list of amazing respected spiritual teachers from around the globe that she's worked with. So check out the full bio in the shownotes, to see more of this amazing Woman's Journey and accomplishments. So in this interview, we go really deep. And we also laugh and have a lot of fun. As Allison holds a wealth of knowledge and wisdom about power animals, we start this chat, jumping into a story about Alice and seeing this gigantic bat in Bali, and the power animal transmission to happen in that moment. So we talked about Alex's favorite phrase in relation as the key to revealing so much. And we look at the insights that are possible by asking that simple question. How am I in relation with fill in the blank, we then look at how expanding our hearts can happen by seeing God and everything, especially our adversaries, and things that generally call us to contract. Then we go into ego positioning, and how to set ourselves up more in the pathway of enlightenment. We playfully look at the strategy of giving names to the shadow archetypes that come into our lives. To give them more levity and to give ourselves more compassion. Alison then shares the story of receiving the name, Rockstar Shaman. And we look at naming from a queer perspective. I share about how her book animal power drastically changed the life of one of my family members. And she shares how power animals have supported her journey as an example of how you can work with power animals. All of these topics, and many many more in this really dense and really fun interview. I'm so excited for you to enjoy. Well hello, Allison Charles story Welcome to clearly Beloved.

Alyson  3:40  
Well hello there what a title for for a podcast. I love it clearly beloved, and thank you for using my full new name Allison Charles story I always love to, to add in. Yeah, that that married piece on the end. It feels really nice to hear other people say it. And I also am learning when people I forget where Luke and I were. Gosh darn. I wish I could remember because it was recently. But someone was like, Hello, Mrs. story. You know, your husband edited of that. And it's just it's nice to hear other people say it sometimes. So thank you.

Wil Fisher  4:20  
Yeah, absolutely. And I'm excited to chat more about names and naming so it's appropriate that we're already going there. And before we jump into it, I would love to ask you this question that I asked at the stop start of all my interviews, which is who are you in this moment, but tell me by describing the perfect drag avatar that embodies that and when I say drag avatar doesn't have to be like a big drag queen. It could be it could be an animal it could be a it could be a you know a plant anything. Wow, this

Alyson  4:55  
is you i This is definitely creative and I love when I'm led into questions that I've never been asked before. So it's such a beautiful opening of my spirit of my mind. So yeah, I'm just closing my eyes and tuning in. I will I am always just completely transparent in all my interviews. So I'll show the first thing that came in but I can tell there's more. And I also want to preface before I say the first vision I got that I am completely my own being completely my own person. I'm an incredibly sovereign and healthily integrated and embodied and yet the first vision that came in was Jesus and so you know, I'm gonna gonna go with that because he's been my main guide this lifetime. And you know, we go in waves in terms of how often we're talking and how often I'm in direct you know, communication and presence with Jesus and lately it's been a lot of a lot of touch points with him so he was the first thing that I saw but let me I can tell there's a couple more pieces because I have been evolving on such a monumental deep level especially over the last three months yeah, so much enlightenment energy and so I really want to speak from that fresh shifted place so let me it's all I'm a very like reborn newborn baby. So let me close my eyes again. And see these characteristics of this vision one moment Hmm. I just saw this other cool vision of like, when I walk out on stage there's, it's not that I'm carrying in my hand like smudging and smoke. It's literally that like this sacred smoke is like, just emitting from my back from my wings. There's also this emanation of medicinal smoke wafting in and then I think there's one other piece that feels like earthy, grassy some sort of Nanette again, a nature element. Let me see what's coming in here.

It's more it was more the energy that I'm embodying now. And some of the words that came in for this new year I'm not sure when this will air but for, you know, shifting into 2020 for a lot of words, starting with the letter L came in levity, live liberation, laughter, lightheartedness, because I just, you know, I've just been doing so much deep work for so many years, I felt really ready for a shift and I've always had a goofy side of me. But what I saw on that last tune in was me smiling a lot and twirling on stage a lot. And there was just an error of not taking things so seriously. So that's what I'll go with for my answer. Beautiful.

Wil Fisher  8:28  
Yes. And you're speaking my language with some of those words, levity lightness, definitely. Some energies that I like to help people cultivate more of an often doing that through play through through the sacred play. And I am present as you speak of that, of this time that's coming on January 20. This astrological time, which I believe you're a fellow Capricorn to, right, yes, yeah, yeah. So my birthday is in two days, I'm at the end, you're at the beginning. And yeah, it makes sense that that levity might be on its way for us to as as we end this time with Pluto the planet of death in our sign after all these years.

Alyson  9:13  
Yeah, hearing you put it that way makes I'm glad it makes me laugh. Because of Yeah, I'm, you know, not one that's super super well versed in the astrological world I, I have a lot of friends who are and, you know, I'm definitely intrigued by it. But I you know, I don't know the super sciency mechanics of it. But yes, I'm aware that that 20 year cycle is coming to an end, especially for Capricorns and cancer. And I think there's one other sign that's really impacted but especially for Capricorns, I think, and also with Kali Yuga period ending and shifting into more of the Golden Age and The Aquarian energies because Pluto will then shift into the sign of Aquarius. So yeah, we are really in the heart and epicenter of some massive changes because the one of those shifts hasn't happened since like the 1700s. And so no one walking the earth right now has felt this new wave of energy that we are all now experiencing together. So I can feel even though, intellectually and in my mind, I'm not a sciency astrological person. I know on a soul level, I can feel the changes occurring. Are you feeling them as well?

Wil Fisher  10:35  
I am. Yeah. And it's all lined up. I'm ending a container with a mentor and starting something new right around that date, actually, right on that date. And there's just a lot of things coming to an end that I imagined are gonna set me up for a new beginning. And yeah, you mentioned that it's this feeling like I've done this work, and it's, it's coming to an end. And with that work done, we get to experience some lightness, some levity. Some laughter and it's also funny, I drew a couple of cards from your animal deck, and one of the two was rooster.

Alyson  11:12  
Yes, as you laugh, as Yeah, the messages, remembering laughter and joy and, you know, tuning in with your laugh. I heard and thought of the rooster cackling outside, you know, waking us up in the morning. Yeah, it takes me to my time in Bali actually used to love random places I would stay without knowing I would end up next to a farm and get woken up at the crack of dawn by these like cackling roosters. So thank you, I'm so glad that that was a card you picked. And I have that on one of our special altars and our home as well that receiving rooster card.

Wil Fisher  11:49  
Nice. So I always like to answer the question too. So for me as you were speaking, some of mine, my some of my visions were coming through and it was a

this this goddess entity Queen made of butterflies. And you know, in part, it's, there's some butterflies as you know, I'm a big admirer of you and your work and your podcasts. And so, you know, getting ready. I'm like, gosh, just feeling the butterflies really drew me in that. And then your drag avatar is Jesus. I'm like, well, now I'm with Jesus more butterflies. So actually, it's sort of switched from all butterfly butterfly to just a being of butterflies. Oh, and yeah, just really embracing. You know, some can consider butterflies being this nervous energy, that's bad, or that's really uncomfortable. And the other take on it as it's like this excited energy moving through us and filling us with beauty and with with verve, and you know, enthusiasm feeling the transformation. Hmm, I'll take that too.

Alyson  13:03  
Yeah, yeah, there there is that saying I'm not gonna get it verbatim? But yeah, it's like questioning when we feel that certain energy brewing inside of us. And we might instantly think that it's nerves or anxiety. It's like questioning that again. Is it that or are you really just feeling really exhilarated and excited? And because they usually ride that same, that same pathway, you know, so I love that you can just, yeah, that you were able to integrate the butterflies in a different way and make that shift.

Wil Fisher  13:42  
Hmm. Thank you. So we talked about names, and I want to get into that. But then you also just brought up Bali. And as I was looking at your book, animal power, there was a mention of a time where you came into contact with a bat in Bali. And so you've mentioned the rooster. And now I knew I wanted to see if that felt in flow to share your bat story. Oh,

Alyson  14:06  
my Lord. Oh, gosh, I feel the waves of the Whoa, wow. Yeah, major ways with fat medicine for me this lifetime. And it really all in a major way, who opened up on one of my trips to Bali and I hope I can do this story justice. I haven't told it in such a long time. But and it was enough years ago. It's like I'm trying to remember because I was I was being ushered into this next major, major, longterm passageway in my life and I'm trying to remember, I think, yeah, I think it was coinciding if I'm not mistaken. I was living in New York at the time and was called to go visit mama Bali. Quite Frequently while I was living in New York City, and at this time I had been instructed by spirit. And when I had I should you bear with me in a lot of these stories, because there's so many nuances and layers and I, sometimes I jump back and forth be like, Oh, I should tell this part first. So I should let the folks joining us know that when I had my divine intervention, simultaneous spiritual awakening, I finally was willing to get out of my own way spoke my surrender to great spirit, mama Earth and my own soul. And from that day, from that moment of veil lifting and ego Obliteration, I finally got into oneness of the directives of the Divine. So from that point, you know, I've been living through God's directives. And so at, fast forward to this point, this my life that I'm telling you now, I had, you know, been on the shamanic path for quite some time and was really out with it in New York City, and had been doing a lot of major major collaborations with like many of the biggest brands in the world, and was spoken to by God great spirit and told that I needed to cease all events, all talks, all public outward offerings, I needed to instantly stop them. And I was on board, but the human part of me was also wondering, I live alone in the most expensive city in the world. You know, I don't come from a family, you know, of money. I'm not a trust fund kid, you know, I was finding my way by myself. And so I'm thinking, Okay, God, you know that I'm with you. And I need to ask of you, then I'm going to stop everything that I'm doing that provides me the ability to pay bills and live in New York City helped me figure out then how I'm going to live. So anyways, I'll leave out a lot of the additional details, but I had already had this trip to Bali planned. And yeah, I was walking through this one area, it's this famous fountain koi pond area, it's this gorgeous, gorgeous place that I don't remember the name of and you can literally walk kind of on top of the water. There's these little step stones that it looks like if you take a picture that you're like standing on top of the water. But when you look down, there's all these massive the biggest Gort most gorgeous koi fish I've ever seen in my life. And after communing in that water, and with those fish, I stepped down. And I looked over and to my left. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, I saw I didn't even know bats could get this big. I mean, had that bat been placed next to me. And especially if it had fully fully opened up its wings, I think it would have been as tall as me. I mean, I didn't I did not know that like human size. Bats were possible. But I saw a man who had this bat and he had it one of its legs like on like a shackle. And this bat and I made eye contact and there was a medicine a power animal transmission that that bat sent directly into me and directly into my salon directly into my heart and I had similarly to my initial spiritual awakening day when when there's just these major aspects of you that just get obliterated and blasted open. That bat provided that type of transmission to me. And I had a major opening of my heart and one of my friends who was with me, I was just standing by myself just like well does he rotting and into crying and she came over to me she's like, Friend, friend, what's wrong? And I'm like, the bat and I was like blubbering, and slobbering and crying. And I was pointing to this bat. And I was still like, in the field with the bat, like, there was still this whole thing happening between us. And so long story short, that transmission and that medicine that the bat bestowed upon me, ended up opening me into this major cave, Bat Cave initiatory period that would last like more than two years. And yeah, I'll wrap the story up by saying like, I mean it during that time. I was doing the darkest, hardest, most tumultuous work of my life. I mean, like, Shadow piece after shadow journey after shadow journey, I mean, just relentless, just getting in there going down going into the darkness deeper into the darkness. Just when you think you can't pierce further into the darkness, there was another layer to go. And this would just went on for more than two years. And I would like during different card readings or like conversations with friends, when they wouldn't know that I was working directly with bat like this, like bat would come up or I'd pull the bat card. I'd be like, No, I'm sorry. Did you know I'm so exhausted of bat work so tired. But the bat kept showing up. And so I just had to keep plodding along. You know, so anyways, yeah, I know, that's a bit of a heavy story. But bad. I also should say that it's nothing, no animal, no power animal is meant to be feared, you know, yes, that took me to the scariest, darkest, deepest places of my life. But it did it with such love. I knew that I was taken care of. And I knew I knew the whole way. Every time I was taken into these different journeys. I knew I was thrust into the place from love every time. And so I think yeah, that's just a last important note to say, you know, because people that are newer to communing with power animals, sometimes I get asked like, Why do you have leech in the book? Or tell me why how is spider a power animal? And they all bring us to the exact places that our soul and evolution is ready for? It just doesn't always equate to the fun that you and I are ready to experience more of now. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you bad because had taken me there relentlessly for more than two years. I, you know, I wouldn't be who I am today.

Wil Fisher  22:03  
Exactly. Yeah. And one of the things that strikes me about that story makes me think of when people go see these gurus, you know, in India, and they become in the presence of the guru. And because of the enlightenment of the guru, or the energetics of the guru, they immediately are able to tap into something without, you know, hearing the learnings or the lessons, it's just being in the energy of that presence. And it feels like a similar story in that that bat had this energetic code that worked with your energetics that unlocked something and it's something I've experienced to it. This is less epic, but it's happened to me with a seagull on a beach once. And, and I just have noticed, you know, in that moment, it was like, I just got really present with this Seagull and just stayed with it and stayed in its presence. And then something unlocked and suddenly all these ideas came, and the songs were coming through me and it was very, in a seagull energy. It was it was playful, it was light. It was songs about the sea. And and it just was literally this interaction, this energetic interaction of the seagull that opened that up for me, and what what I've come to realize from that experience is that these animals on our earth that we get to have experiences with have so much to teach us. And so I'm always just very curious and open whenever I come into contact with any animal earlier today. Surprisingly, I came into contact with a rat, which I've never seen a rat in San Diego. And I'm still curious about what rat has for me, but to reframe my, you know, instead of defaulting to fear, or Ooh, it's a rat. Or even last summer, when I was in Oklahoma, I was around a lot of bugs. It was like, How can I be in relation with these bugs? Yes, where I'm honoring them where I'm curious about what they have to teach me. And in doing, there can be these powerful energetic shifts that these animals are here to deliver?

Alyson  24:14  
Yeah, well, you hit the nail on the head when you said two words. And those two words were in relation. And, girl, I mean, is it Oh, it's almost orgasmic. For me when I say in relation, it's like, it's just like my favorite phrase. I've come across this lifetime I think honestly, in relation because that's what everything of the everything of the everything all boils down to. How are you in relation in relation to you know, the parts of you that you feel embarrassed about to the cringe to the cringe in you, you know, how are you in relation to your ancestors ancestral lineage, how were you in relation to the cousin that drives the shit out of you and every family gathering you just dread walking in, because you know, you're gonna have to sit next to the cousin that triggers you and how are you in? You know, it's it's, it all comes down to in relation and I had something else to say around that. Because the was the rat? Because yeah, I mean, I kind of takes me again to the leech thing because when I was working on the book, the question was posed to me by the team. And it's like, and I love questions, and I love curiosity. I'm always here for that I would rather that then really unconscious projections and nastiness. So ask, you know, ask away, and they asked, you know, does leach really need to be in there. And I said, Well, of course, because in shamanism we don't turn away from anything. We don't, we don't push away, we don't exclude we don't shun we don't, you know, it's we lean in, we learn, we taste, we sniff we, we we chew, we learn, we integrate. And so you know, leech is an ally there, all of these animals are truly our friends, our allies, our guides. And so it's more about observing, you know, when we come into the rat, that scurrying near our feet, or, for me, the first time I ever worked directly with leeches and had them placed on my body, it's, it's having the courage and vulnerability and self honesty to witness and observe our experience and our reaction, you know, are we adverse? Or are we embracing it? Is it making our nose scrunch up? Or are we softening? Are we at what kind of thoughts are being evoked? And it's from that place of openness and self awareness and self honesty? That's the only way then that we can get real enough and observe enough to then get into a harmonious direct in relation? Yes, that those two words are everything. Yes.

Wil Fisher  27:15  
I love Native Americans use that term, all my relations, all my relations. I love that. And yeah, what what comes up for me when you share about that is that in having leech in there, and in general, in being able to also embrace these animals or things are cousins that we are adverse to, that is where our heart really gets to stretch out, right? It's easy to find God in our adorable pet dog. But it's much harder to find God in a leech or rat, but God exists everywhere. And in the same way, it's easy to find love in our hearts for those who we are close to, but for our adversaries for our quote, enemies, that's a lot harder to tap into. But when we do, we are truly giving ourselves the opportunity to expand into the fullness of the love that we are. And it's an exercise in our heart opening and our ever expanding heart.

Alyson  28:16  
Oh my gosh, yeah, speaking of Jesus energy, right, and that Bodhisattva energy, it's, it's both of those, you know, I am dancing with, I always feel like I'm doing the tango with right now enlightenment, and I'm more in direct relation to enlightenment, energetics and awarenesses and epiphanies than than ever before. And the through way, the vessel that brought me here was a really tumultuous, super uncomfortable and at times dark breakdown of a relationship of a friendship. And, you know, through that discomfort, thank God, you know, I'm a master Alchemist, and thank God, I'm a forever student, and I have humility and I'm and I'm able to, you know, just look into the web of totality and not leave any thread of the web unchecked or unsniff. And, and I'm and I'm able to work it and trust the process, because oftentimes, before we have these massive, enlightening episodes, or awarenesses, you know, there's a there's typically a constriction period where you go really deep and super inward and it can get really uncomfortable and there, but, but yeah, the other piece too, along with the enlightenment, and these openings that the more crunchiness are uncomfortable, NIS can provide for us. That's a really, really powerful, important thing to be aware of is EEG Oh, positioning, you know, and I'm not one I don't label the ego, bad or good. It's just we all have it right, we were all equal parts egoic and human and multi dimensional masterful soulful spirits. And yet, when, when we are in the presence of people that we deem annoying, or whatever, or are more difficult, if we are brave enough to watch our mind and watch our ego dynamics, the ego always wants to position itself. And it wants to know where it fits in. And it likes to label things like, you know, is less than or better than, or good or bad or right or wrong. And it's it's that judgment texture that comes in. But if, and I'm sharing all of this, because this was the avenue that led me to doing the tango with enlightenment, more than ever before. It's if we can watch where that positioning comes in, and do a continuous practice of equanimity, of just bringing us back to knowing that. It's, it's all, it's all the same. I don't know how to word it, because I actually haven't talked about it yet. But if we can just observe when our mind tries to position or tries to judge, and do our best to bring us back, bring ourselves back to center, bring ourselves back to a neutral energy that is a loving energy. And that is more of that equanimity energy, that that is a really powerful practice that then can connect us more to enlightenment energies, because we're releasing the grip of ego, getting us back to center and heart and then able to experience the opening and to enlightenment.

Wil Fisher  32:00  
Oh, yes, yes. Oh, that is a sexy Tango dance you're doing with enlightenment that totally lights me up. I love that. And I'm excited to watch you in that dance to experience you in that dance. It gave me full goosebumps when you started talking about it. And yeah, what it brings up for me is how judgment pulls us from presence. And that when we are looking to elevate our energy, expand our soul and step into this new consciousness, we need to be present, we need to be in the only reality which is this moment right now. And it makes me think of times when I've been in medicine journeys, where these amazing things are happening. And I've been having these downloads and having this incredible experience, as soon as I start judging it, or labeling it or trying to decipher it, then it sort of gets in the way of the experience. When I'm just in it, then it's all happening. And and I try to remind myself, just be in the experience, just be in your experience. So that later I can come back and maybe think about all the lessons and learnings and wisdom that were coming through. But it's just something that I find both in medicine spaces, but in real life that as soon as I start labeling, judging, creating a story, making assumptions, doing those ego games that are designed to help us survive and be safe. That's when I get pulled out of the present moment. And that's when I start cheating myself have the full expression of that experience.

Alyson  33:35  
Yes, yeah. The other word that's coming in, that I, you know, was a big part of this whole thing of the last four months is the word rumination, you know, because when we're in rumination, too, that that is obviously directly pulling us out of the presence. And when our mind is ruminating on what we could have done, or what we should have done or ruminating on potential future, you know, narratives that might happen. Anytime we're in rumination. Yeah, we're not in that field of that center point of stillness to allow those spontaneous realizations. So spontaneous light bulbs. So yeah, and again, it's like, it's also giving ourselves grace and gentleness and compassion to because and also trust that there are all of these seasons of life and chapters of life and passageways of life. And sometimes we're in a larger season that holds a certain chapter. Do you know what I mean? And then sometimes we'll stay in that season, but then we'll go to a different chapter of the same season and so there's so many different places within ourselves and within life, Earth walk, that we can experience and so if you are someone who has noticed you've been in a season of pretty high And rumination or extreme, you know, like, just a surging of judgment. It's just stay with it, it the practice is to not label yourself as a bad person or a really judgmental person, it's staying courageous enough to be in the awareness. And then you know, with gentleness, bringing yourself back as often as possible to your breath to your heart center to that present place. And sometimes during a day, you might have to be in that in that movement. 200 times and that day might have felt more exhaustive but just know it's in the grand scheme of things. It's happening for a reason. And maybe tomorrow, you might only have to do the rumination back to present moment thing 10 times instead of 200. So it's just it's trusting the ebbs and flows and chapters of life. It's remaining self aware, while also holding gentleness and compassion.

Wil Fisher  36:07  
Yeah, and I'll add to that gentleness, compassion and seeing if you can also give yourself some levity like sometimes it's like, oh, wow, I'm doing that thing again. Look at me, ruminating Ruby.

Alyson  36:20  
was literally just gonna say neat. giving a name to your shadow archetypes is so helpful. Boris is my current one. Should they just naturally emanate for me? I mean, Boris, he's the ruminator. Boris is the one you know, I've had I've been trying, I was trying last week actually to remember this other archetype name that I had back when I lived in New York City. They've for me all been male names for some reason. And they've all just like showing up. I didn't like it like Boris. I was like, Oh, this one's Boris. Yeah, yeah. But it is helpful, you know, to to just yeah, get to know and again, in relation in healthy relation to these aspects of ourselves that we don't deem the most favorable, and they lessen their charge. They lessen how scary they are. And you can also ask, I asked Boris and I've asked my other ones in the past, like, on a day where you want a day off like where's your favorite place? Like where does Boris want to go? And you know, sometimes Boris likes to sip a Virgin Pina Colada. And so some days of Boris is really flared. I'm like, Alright, dude, let's have a chat. And we agree, he agrees that he's gonna go to the beach for the day, and it actually works. So yeah, I'm glad that you brought in the the name thing again. Yeah, well,

Wil Fisher  37:41  
that's perfect. Because that's been a theme which we'll get into. But before we do, there, immediately, a drag Avatar came up for me for Boris and he's, like, you know, middle, maybe a little older, like overweight guy. Yes. Sipping that sipping that pina colada.

Alyson  37:57  
Yeah, he has. He has some rough edges to have. Yeah, you know, but it's because he was a wounded boy.

Wil Fisher  38:05  
Sure. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And we can have love and compassion for boards too. Yeah,

Alyson  38:09  
he's learning. Exactly.

Wil Fisher  38:14  
So yeah, let's let's segue that into this name game. And what I am curious about is your your journey in shamanism, and, and specifically how you did come to be gifted this name, Rockstar Shaman. And one of the things I want to note is, you talked about the ego wanting to put things in boxes, and there is something really powerful in what you write in animal power around shamanism, being the opposite of that shamanism, really embracing all that is and yeah, I'd love for you to to bring that into as you tell your story. If it flows Yeah,

Alyson  38:59  
yeah, yeah, the name Wow. I mean, I would have never have guessed. Like, when, when my life changed in that one day, I had my awakening living in Brooklyn. I mean, I probably wouldn't have been able to guess any of what would ensue after that but the name piece specifically has been one of the more intriguing through lines because it wasn't too long. I'm not great with earthly time so I can't tell you exactly how long but I you know, I had already seen the truth of who I really am and my real mission here because after that initial awakening day, I had you know, my gifts came online game you know, Spirit spoke to me, my clairaudient gift turned on, and then in the months that ensued my you know, clairvoyant I was shown all these visions of the truth of me And so many things were happening, right. And so things started to unlock and get on board and get on the grid very rapidly for me after that day. And yeah, I was in the throes of like this old me in this old paradigm and old world of me, crumbling and dissolving, while simultaneously like the truth of me. And the soul aspect in unification and mission of me, opening and illuminating and blossoming. And so, you know, it was a very catalytic threshold that I was in and I was sitting at a place, I don't know if it still exists. It's called a piece Food Cafe in Manhattan with three of my dear sisters at the time, and was crying with them and just had my eyes closed and just explaining this place that I was in. And while I had my eyes closed, and I was explaining these visions that I was being given of what my path was to be and look like, in the explanation of this vision. I felt a hand go on my left arm, forearm wrist area, and it was dear sister sitting to my left who said, That's it. And I'm like, you know, and crying and envision shamanic vision world in the middle of a restaurant, and I was still had my eyes because I was like, What do you mean, she's like, What do you mean? That's, and she's like, that's it. Because somehow in the vision, I explained, you know, the rock star part of it. And she's like, that's, you know, that's the medicine name, Rockstar, Shaman. And I was just like, oh, my gosh, and I, I was not fully processing in the restaurant. And I'll widdle the story down. But I was aware of the the boldness of that, you know, that was never lost on me. And I went home. And I sat with that. Because I've always, always been a checker, a checker of myself, a checker of my own cringe a checker of my own ego. I've always maintained a lot of integrity. And I sat alone, just with myself with that medicine name. And then I decided to phone a friend, someone who I trusted, who really knew me on a deep level. To get their outside perspective, I wanted to go inward first with it. Then I did an outward human check. And then I did a shamanic journey Jesus check. So I really wanted to cover all bases, I was certainly not trying to step out with my truth and have it be fueled from an egoic place, right? Or be fueled from, yeah, just an impure place. And when I went on that shamanic journey, and I should also note that I know Jesus as Ascended Master Jesus, I'm not someone who grew up in the churches. So I know some people really struggle when they grow up, you know, learning him in a certain way, I don't have that experience. So I know him as Ascended Master Jesus. And when I called him forth, specifically with the intention of discussing this medicine name, Jesus was so emphatic. And he said, This is why you are here, you know. And so that was kind of the last kind of stamp permission slip that I needed to know that I could carry this medicine name from the right place and with the right energetics and it's just it's been such a journey, you know, and I've questioned do I continue with that name? Countless times at this point, you know, I've been on this journey for so long. I still do regular check ins, you know, has that medicine that that name carries and transmits has its has it done its job, you know, and that was another thing along the way, where it reemphasize that I know I'm not carrying it for me, it plays because I could care less, if I'm calling myself that or not. In fact, if I had to say, overall, it's probably been a bigger burden to carry than anything because it's very activating. And it can be very triggering to people because I'm not hiding who I am. I'm not hiding my power. I'm not hiding my worth. I'm not hiding my sovereignty with that name. You get a very clear, quick understanding that I know my worth and my divinity and my power. And someone who has not met those places within themselves can really hate that name, or, in a sense, quote unquote, hate me Um, so anyways, it's brought a lot with it. And it taught me a lot about just, you know, knowing that I'm a medicine woman and that my medicine doesn't taste great to everyone. So yeah, it's also it also means the way my shamanic path works I work directly with rock Earth birth mother, and directly up to the center point of consciousness star Great Spirits. So that that is how you know there's so many different shamanic traditions from all over the world. Some take lineage based oaths, where you know, like the dough gone, or the Shipibo or you know, all of these different shamanic ways that have existed some since the beginning of human time and some for 1000s of years. There are, you know, many of my shamanic colleagues that take a specific oath to walk a specific shamanic line. And for me, while I've certainly learned and sat with countless traditions from all over the globe, I work in that vertical line of directly into Mother Earth directly up through the center point of me and my soul and right into the center point of working with great spirits. So that name, Rockstar shaman, really encompasses the way my path works as well. Hmm,

Wil Fisher  46:19  
beautiful. Yeah, thank you for sharing all that backstory. And I hinted before we hit record that I've got some queer takes on it. So I want to share a little bit about that. So first of all, this idea of of having names that are not our birth names is already a queer idea in some ways. Because as queer folks, queer, queer folks are defining themselves, not based on what society has assumed our lives would look like. And so it's a very queer act to be claiming a name. And you can see this in queer culture with like, drag names, for example, or I don't know if you've heard of the radical fairy community, but radical fairy names is a thing.

Alyson  47:04  
I'm gonna Google it. As soon as we're done.

Wil Fisher  47:06  
Radical fairies are Yeah, fabulous thing to know, like the mermaids like

Alyson  47:11  
the mermaids of the world. Yeah, they all get their merman and names. Yeah, I mean,

Wil Fisher  47:18  
I really think of it as a, when we think of a name. For me, it's like, it's almost like a piece of drag. It's almost like something that I put on, that calls me into a different way of being. No. And so I love that Rockstar was this medicine. And not only and this is actually a curiosity of mine is that it's not just that it was rock, Mother Earth and star cosmos. But also it holds the energy of rock star like a rock and roll star, whether or not that's your intention. That's how it folks, some folks will receive it. And I feel like there's something really radical about that and really aligned with what you are doing in claiming your power as a shaman claiming your power as a shaman as a white woman, you know, which is different than how a lot of people perceive shamans should look right and being able to say, I am a shaman, I hold this power reverently. It is who I am. And I'm going to own it like the rock star that I am. I'm wondering if any of that resonates Yeah,

Alyson  48:27  
it it does. And also the with those initial visions that also along with the name made me think you've got to be kidding me. Are you serious? You know, because me slobber, crying and peace Food Cafe and the visions I was shown there was quite a gap that, you know, it felt like I had to bridge a large gap to get to where God was showing me that he wanted me to be and the other piece is, and again, this this wasn't something that I quote, unquote, worked really hard to make happen. It was the organic path and opening that occurred when I had my awakening is my shamanism teachings and practices sacred rituals that I share with everyone who's who's willing, and here's the call to lean in, is, you know, to help themselves remember who they are. It functions very publicly and on big stages. And you know, I mentioned a while ago how, when I was living in New York City, I was, I mean, partnering, you know, I was the first person to ever go on stage at the HBO film festival in the middle of Manhattan in New York City and Bryant Park 10,000 People in the park. I didn't know it at the time. You know, they had hired me to go on stage before they aired the movie, and to guide people on a shamanic journey. Nice. So 10,000 People, I'm up there with my drum, you know, taking them into a crystal dome calling forward, you know, their main guides and power animals. And it wasn't until I walked off the stage, the man who hired me, he said, You know, I didn't want to tell you this before, but in the 25 year history of the HBO film festival, you're the first person to ever go on stage before we aired the movie. And I was like, What are you talking about? And thank God, I didn't know that before. Because, you know, I, I live by what God tells me to do. Right. And yet had he told me those details, I could have gotten worried about getting booed off the stage in front of 10,000 people because they're not used to the film festival functioning that way or whatever. And so, yeah, you know, I, I got presented how I presented this lifetime, I got given the physical characteristics, the backstory, the history, I, every part of me, none of it, by any of us is, is a mistake. It's all perfect. And it's all by divine design. And coming from where I come from, you know, being a primarily Caucasian woman, Shaman, it's, it's all to help break down those boxes, those limitations, those those false beliefs of what a shaman is, or can be and it's, it's a reminder that shamanism is a practice for all it's for all humanity. It's for all living beings. It's for you know, the beings in the unseen realms and the beings here in the earthly realm. It it shamanism doesn't exclude anyone or anything, it welcomes all it can't be any other way. And somehow along the way, you know, we have forgotten that most primary foundational truth of shamanism and so, yeah, just my mere presence helps rattle some people into a pondering or a questioning of like, well wait, and it helps to break down and shatter some some preconceived notions and so it's been quite a wild ride.

Wil Fisher  52:11  
It rockin and rollin Yeah, and what you just described is very much a queer act to to break down those barriers to break down the ideas of how people should be or shouldn't be how men should be our women should be really just being able to crack open the walls and allow for all that is right for me. queerness is about embracing all that is all the ways that we want to express ourselves as his spirituality is embracing all that is, but it is yeah, there is something for me there's something playful about the fact that it is rock Mother Earth Mother and star Cosmos, but also rock star, this powerful, iconic kind of energy. And then

Alyson  52:54  
and also the human piece too. Right. It's like it's it's because I value and treasure the human little alley from a town in Indiana that had one stoplight, you know, Stanley owned farmland. I've been lost in cornfields before you know, it's like, I treasure human alley just as much as I treasure and revere the exalted High Priestess medicine woman alley, you know,

Wil Fisher  53:20  
yeah, and there's certain reverence and irreverence of it too that I think is appropriate for for shamanism. It's

Alyson  53:29  
perfection. You know, I in two ancient cultures, I share one of in the book in the ancient Siberian language, which is where the word shaman comes from. One of the phrases that shaman translates to is one who knows one who sees in the dark. And then in an ancient Chinese language idea, or Tao, a shaman friend of mine told me about this a long time ago, but the word shaman in this ancient Chinese language translates to I don't know. So it's carries both one who knows and also carries the humility of I don't know, it's both it's all I love that so beautiful.

Wil Fisher  54:10  
It's so powerful Yeah, to have both the great mystery and the All Knowing the other piece around it having different meanings there. That is also something that a lot of Queens will do drag queens will do there's a queen right now is on ripples drag race called a mandatory meeting. So we have these these, you know, double entendres.

Alyson  54:40  
You know, I'm watching a show not to cut you off, but I'm watching the show right now, and she just got booted off but heard drag name is peppermint. Oh, I know her. And I just I love for some reason hearing her carrying that name. It made me view and experience the word peppermint differently like how Let's build the pepper and the mint. Yeah, love. Oh, no. So anyways, I

Wil Fisher  55:04  
had never considered that either. Yeah, and there's such a beautiful piece too is that we get to have a new experience of those words, because this person has owned it, this person has embodied it. So then I just as we were, I was prepping, I was like, huh, but what is rock and roll. So rock star comes from rock and roll. But what is rock and roll. And I discovered that rock and roll was originally a phrase used by 17th century sailors to describe the motion of the ship at sea, because it's like rocking was for an aft and rolling was side to side. Wow. And so I just wanted to add that to the equation to that there's something around being at sea and rocking and sort of maybe being in this that

Alyson  55:50  
might be my word. Yeah, that might be my afternoon meditation is going into that thank you for bringing that that piece that thread into it. I'm seeing if there's anything that comes to me just from you. Sharing it the rocking and rolling sits a sailor term from being at sea. Yes, something there does seem something pretty profound bringing in mama Oh, shoot, you know, the, the ocean energies also the boat energy. Yeah, there's something intriguing there. And I do feel that I have a really masterful embodiment of that rock and roll definition because I you know, it's something that was told to me and reflected to me from a number of people throughout the years, I didn't see it in myself first, but people would just say to me, Wow, Ally, like, you traverse these initiations and these rites of passage with so much grace, like how do you do it and I was only when a number of people said the same exact thing to me that I realized it was a gift of mine, it was something that maybe was a little bit unique that I carried and that you know, I didn't realize that not everyone would be able to go through those various shamanic chapters and the way that I had been traversing them and so I think that kind of rockin and rollin being at one with the sea I've had held that grace for a long time love

Wil Fisher  57:23  
that yeah, as the waves come and we move through these different phases these different cycles of life being able to just be with it roll yeah rock with

Alyson  57:31  
some of them waves can get real splashy can really evoke when you see what when I go on tick tock and I got taken to the What's that? See the North Sea or whatever, like, Oh, yes,

Wil Fisher  57:42  
those are so epic. Those

Alyson  57:43  
mean it like takes my breath away those waves that go I don't even know how many hundreds of feet high I'm just like, can be held the spiritual breath feel sometimes you know, that we're gonna take me down, but you know that you're just gonna rise back up in the bow the ship, you know? Yes.

Wil Fisher  58:00  
So to bring it back to animals before we we start wrapping up. I do want to share with listeners that one of the ways that Allison I connected was because someone in my family who I'm very close with was going through a very hard time she was in a juvenile delinquents center, she has one of the most traumatic childhoods of anyone I know, and was in a really rough spot, and some how and for some reason, I felt called to send her your book. And she received it and experienced a transformation while she was in this delinquent center, and really started using this book, this animal power book, to start connecting with spirit for the first time. And it was so sweet because she sort of became this, see her in her delinquent Center and the girls around her started getting curious about the book as she started helping them connect with spirit and connect with their power animals. And she has continued to be on a spiritual path. And for the most part is really just focused on being with the animals, which is such a sweet, beautiful thing. And so I just want to share that story and acknowledge and thank you for giving that gift to this person in my life and for the ways that you have supported her journey and her feeling and a transformation. I'm so forever grateful. Well,

Alyson  59:35  
I received that fully and thank you for expressing that, you know, yeah, you've messaged me and really sweet, beautiful ways a number of times regarding that to talk about it and to hear you say it out loud is Yeah, takes it to a different place. And to be honest, I mean, I gave every particle of my life mind being Heart Soul spirit, every aspect of me and the purest most integrity filled God guided ways to bring and birth that book and card deck into fruition and earthly existence. Like, when I tell you the fires I walked through and the staunch lines that I had to hold so fervently and so long, you know, just to, to usher it in, in the form that I knew it needed to be. It was not an easy feat and task. I worked on the book all all in all for more than seven years. And so it was a long birth to and so hearing stories like that, that the pure energetics encoded within it, it helped the love and acceptance held within it the true shamanic medicine held within it. How when one is open to receiving and working with animals and working with the book, how it can truly alter the course of, of one's life. I mean, it makes that journeys so worth it, you know? Yeah. So, and giving so much credit to you for hearing your intuitive hit, you know, to to gift that to her and also so much honor and credence to her for her willingness for her openness for her to not open the book and be like me, you know, but to to be curious enough, and humble enough to allow her spirit to be led to a different place her soul hungry enough and tired enough for the suffering to lean into a new place. And when I was listening to you share, I wouldn't have one I got chills in two, I thought, What a great chapter for the book. She will write. Love that where she gets to talk how you said how she became the seer of a delinquent? Senator. What a cute cool chapter. Yeah,

Wil Fisher  1:02:09  
absolutely. And so for my listeners, because we just dove into it with the bats and all the things. Can you just share a little bit about power animals, and how they might work with them or the value of them? And I'd certainly you know, in the show notes, I'll have info for your book and the card deck, but in general, there might be some folks listening or like power, what power and

Alyson  1:02:32  
yeah, they're just like, wait, you need to take it back a few notches. Like let's start from the beginning. Yeah, some Cliff Notes. One. If you go to my website, Allison charles.com/animal power, I believe. It's the page on my website that has my book and deck. There is a free video guided shamanic journey that I facilitate, where you can go in the other realms with me and call forward your power animal and that is a free gift with if you get the book or the deck, you just put your receipt number and you'll get sent the journey. So I like to mention that because if this work is newer for people joining us a most powerful starting point I believe, is to go on a an actual shamanic journey with a trusted Shaman. If you're not feeling me for some reason, no worries, you know, tune in ask around if there's a trusted shaman in your area if this work is speaking to you. But I really believe the best way to begin to connect and unite with these sacred animal allies, especially if you're wanting to meet your core power animal because there are different power animals that try to get our attention and enter into our lives, whether through dreams or meditation or conversation, they'll find a way to knock on your door to try to get your attention because every animal carries different healing properties and wisdom attributes different teachings different ways that they're trying to come into our lives to support us. And if you're going through relationship drama, breakup, maybe deer is trying to come in and and get your attention. But there my point is, there are different animals that might come in for a certain time a chapter a season, but our core power animal guide is the one that is with us our entire earth walk. So the time from the time we incarnate and pop out here on Earth, we have a one core animal and so if you're trying to learn who your core power animal is, I most recommend going on an actual journey and setting the intention for that shamanic journey is to call forward your core power animal and when you do that, you can have a conversation, receive medicine and also tell the animal that you want it to continue to show up for you guide you send you messages. So for me just to give a few quick example pulls my core power animal and in this wasn't the plan all along and literally just organically ended up happening this way she ended up on the cover of animal power book. It's the black Jaguar. And then right after my awakening, along with Jesus, there she is Hey girl. Then we'll along with Jesus, my aunt who is a shaman. She was I reached out to her to assist me through that catalytic time. And when she was doing some soul retrieval and shamanic journeying work for me, different supporter power animals came in for me and the bear, the deer and the frog, were my other three. So that quadrant, the Jaguar, bear, deer, and frog all came in helping with different things. During that very tumultuous awakening time. The deer helped me keep my heart open, you know, just in that when that one stayed with me and an end up being an a sacred peyote ceremony, where calamari, the sacred blue deer is the totem for that medicine. It was in that ceremony that Luke and I became a couple. And so the deer was like a decade more than a decade long guide for me. So you can have really long term ones in addition to your lifelong one. But then frog was more of short term, it guided me to take healing baths to cleanse toxicity from my life to tune and connect more healthily with my emotions, because I had my awakening through extreme betrayal and like addiction, energetics of my axe, and then the bear taught me how to surrender and truly let go into the arms of the Divine and to learn what that felt like. So those are some quick examples. So you can just, you know, folks joining us can kind of start to get a stronger grip on what we're talking about. But if if you simply want to just speak aloud when this podcast is done, and just let the benevolent power animal realm know that it's something that you're you're ready to unite with them more and you're open to receiving their blessings, teachings, medicine and benevolent guidance, just a simple communication of that to them will start to open and then that becomes our responsibility then to you know, to be aware of the signs to have a dream journal by our bedside. Because power animal guides are not invasive. There are some like called Goddess Kali or some other guides that are very like they will come in when they know that their medicine is needed. But power animals, for the most part, really appreciate and like to receive an invitation. And in the beginning, sometimes they will try to come in through your dreams. So if this is newer, keep a journal and a pen and that way and when you're in those other traveling those other dimensions, during dream time, you can jot down if an animal came in, if it's sent you something if it told you something, because most times those messages washed away by the time you wake up. Yes,

Wil Fisher  1:08:01  
thank you for sharing all that. And I'll just add, to be really open to what animal wants to come through. It's not about choosing, I want my power animal to be the horse or dog. For me, my core power animal is the raccoon, which I never had any affiliation with a raccoon one I love that one was up in my cabin once living above my roof when I was running this retreat center in upstate, but outside of that I had no relation. If anything, I felt like oh, I don't know about raccoons, you know, and then they came through so clearly,

Alyson  1:08:33  
that's a powerful court totem to have.

Wil Fisher  1:08:36  
Thank you. Yeah, I love my raccoons. And and, you know, it was like, what is it about the raccoon that connects with me and it started to become clear part of it is as a as a drag queen as someone who loves mask work, right? Drag is similar to mask work. I have a huge collection of masks. The raccoon wears that mask and the mask serves as this powerful invitation for transformation. Yeah, and so there was that connection there was there. Their generosity of spirit. And it was interesting because I then started having other animals come through giraffe came through and I was like, has has raccoon evolved into giraffe. What happened to raccoon I kind of miss raccoon. But then like you were just saying that it wasn't about it being replaced. It was like my little band of animals was getting bigger. Right and so then lioness came to give me like this protective energy. Dolphin came to really bring in more of my playful Community Energy spiders with me too. And I just love all these animals around.

Alyson  1:09:42  
It's game changing. I mean, I normally cry when I talk about them because it's just you know, from that initial gateway opening all the way through I mean I'm with them and they are with me at all times and I There are so many chapters yours and passageways were, I don't know what I would have done how I could have gotten through it without their love and support and yeah, and one quick thing with the raccoon I was curious what my favorite thing about raccoons is their little hands, their little fingers and their little hands and how they Scrye and work with water medicine and how they read objects with their hands. And I'm so curious with you, like, Do you have a sacred connection with water? Or do you have healing hands or raccoon? They're so cute. Look up videos. Everyone go look up a video of a raccoon scrying and you'll never see their little fingers the same again.

Wil Fisher  1:10:39  
Oh, I love that. Well, that's what I'll do with my afternoon. So, yeah, I definitely do you know, I live right next to the ocean. I it was very important for me to have a water fountain in my backyard. I love always having the sound of of water. And yes, and I do Reiki I do hands on healing work. So yeah, there is that.

Alyson  1:10:59  
A little sweat raccoon? scryer. Yeah.

Wil Fisher  1:11:06  
I'm so glad to experience more laughter more laughter. So I realized we've gone on for quite some time. So I will start to wrap us up. Any final things that you want to share? Oh,

Alyson  1:11:19  
my goodness. Gosh, wow. Let's see, let's see if a random little nugget wants to come in. It's really just so simple. It's just, you know, I just heard a voice being like, now we're pretty complete, like, then we're good. But but then I kept tuning in. And it's just, it's just be open and trust. You know, if like, if we could just hold those two orbs in our beautiful human hands be open and trust, be open and trust be open and trust. It's like, we really are all so equipped. We came down here, you know, with the full ability to experience the full range of earthly emotions, the full spectrum of earthly experiences. Like, I understand, I get you know, we all have past life things and childhood things. And sometimes there's a lot that we signed in our soul contracts to have to work through and transcend and alchemize and all of that, you know, I know Earth can carry so much with it. But there's not one human walking this earth that's not equipped to handle it all. To be able to feel it all. Yes, even you I felt like there was one person listening that was just like, I don't know, like, you know, and I'm like, you know, yes, you too. And so be open and trust.

Wil Fisher  1:12:46  
Beautiful. Thank you for that final invitation. And thank you so much for sharing this space with me. I am so, so honored and so joyful, and in gratitude for this experience. Likewise. Oh, wow, I really enjoyed that interview. You know, Allison was one of my dream guests. And I was so excited and grateful to get the opportunity to have that conversation. I hope you enjoyed it too. So learn more about her and check out her podcast ceremony circles via the link in the show notes and check out my work to also linked in the notes so much love to you. Oh, my God is Beloved's. What a joy it was to be with you today. Let's hang out again soon. Okay. And if you can think of a friend who would benefit from hearing this, please share it with them. Sending so much love and light to you today and every day. Until next time, peace
