Queerly Beloved
Join your host, Wil Fisher (AKA "I Am Sylvia Wil Gather Rainbow"), for playful and profound interviews with amazing LGBTQIA+ peeps working in the field of spirituality and personal growth. Wil is a life coach, spiritual healer, and drag queen who loves getting super wu and chatting with fascinating folx about all things spiritually queer and queerly spiritual. You'll love hearing guests' spiritual path stories and gain knowledge as they share discoveries, insights and wisdom. Plus, these interviews tend to be a lot of fun- so expect to have some of that as well...!
Queerly Beloved
The Valor of Our Ancestors' Hearts
In this solo podcast episode, I share about my recent travels. Specifically I talk about choosing to visit Scotland to do some ancestor work after learning that I'm 45% Scottish.
Outside of ancestor work, I reflect on other ways that travel is a powerful and effective approach to personal and spiritual growth. These include seeing yourself reflected in all things and experiences, deepening our awareness of the connection to all, and allowing space for synchronicities.
I explore the topic of faeries and the use of imagination to access various energies and medicines.
I share about an encounter with stags and its significance. And talk about a profound experience connecting with my ancestors, and the valor of their hearts, while visiting a Scottish battleground. I end inviting folks to consider exploring travel focused on ancestry work and collect more spirit guides. Enjoy!
Here's some info on my Scottish host, James Phillip-
And here’s my info-